This dish is a Kottayam or a central Kerala specialty. My mom however hates this fish curry. First reason is she doesn’t know how to make it, second we all love her 'special coconut fish curry' too much!
But, my dad loves this fish curry. He is nostalgic about it, since his mom used to make it and one time, one rare time, my mom tried this red curry but it flopped miserably. So I was on a mission to learn how to make this red fish curry to prepare it for my dad. Now, the hard part was, everybody makes it differently...add a little that too, they would say and it changes the fish curry completely.
Anyway I tested this fish curry umpteen times, I was brave enough to serve it to my dad, last time I went back home and he loved it! Well, that’s all it matters and that’s the recipe I am going to write. He told me “Just like my mom used to make" What more does a daughter need in life?
He wanted me to prepare it for next day lunch also. But, the next day something happened to our kitchen sink and the water had stopped. But my dad told me, "If you will make that fish curry one more time, I will carry the big syntex water tank to the kitchen"...Well...well...well...My envious sister is trying to learn how to make this now…hehehe...Red Fish curry

Wash the fish 5 or 6 times in water and rub with salt and keep aside for 15 or 20 minutes so the water will run from the fish pieces. Discard the water and wash the fish again. Some people take the skin out of every fish, but I don’t. I just rub it really really clean with a sharp knife and rub salt nicely on the pieces.
For 4 cup of fish pieces , (I got fresh pompano,which looks like a fatter version of pomfret)
Red chili powder - 1.5 tsp
Paprika - 1 tsp (Now don’t ever buy Laxmi brand paprika, it is a total waste). I don’t use paprika anymore, I get the Waynad brand red 'piriyan' chili which is bright red in color but is not that hot. Or grind to a fine powder, the outer skin of dried chilies without the seeds. This is for the bright red color for the curry.
Pepper – ¼ tsp
Fenugreek – ¼ tsp (Roast dry and powder)Kudampuli – 4 pieces sliced and immersed in 1/4 cup of water
Red onion – 1/2 cup diced thin and short
Ginger – 1 tsp
Garlic – 5 tsp
Curry leaves – 3 or 4 sprigs.
Slice and crush ginger and garlic. Mix together the chili powder, paprika, pepper powder, fenugreek and ¼ tsp turmeric and add little water to make it a thick paste.
Heat 2 tsp of coconut oil, sauté the onions well, sauté ginger and garlic, add the paste and in low flame, sauté the paste for 3 minutes. Add the kudampuli with the water; add the curry leaves and the fish pieces. Mix the pieces with the paste and the mixture. Add 1 cup of water. It is very important you prepare in a shallow pot or a mannchatti so that you don’t need to add water. Add salt and adjust.
Remember you have rubbed the fish pieces with salt,so dont add too much salt.
Cover and cook until the water boils, then simmer the heat until the fish pieces are done. There should not be much gravy for this curry. Rotate the pot once or twice, while cooking, so that fish pieces will be covered with the gravy.

Serve it with rice. Yummy! This curry actually tastes excellent the next day. So if you are planning for dinner, prepare it in the morning.
For that fishy smell in your hands,this is really good. I tried. It is available at Bed,Bath and Beyond too. I have no idea how it takes the stink out of your hands.

Kitchenmate said...
LG: Looks delicious. am going to try that definitely ruling out kodumpuli, since i dont have any:( I will try to add our routine tamarind.. will let you know how it turned out.
When you gets appraised for cooking from our parents, that always means a lot to us... made me remember my mom's praises for my dahi vada:) Nostalgic....
Tue May 09, 02:44:00 PM 2006
Kitchenmate said...
Thanks for linking me LG, i am going to try that rubaway; may be i want to get few for my India trip:)
Tue May 09, 02:46:00 PM 2006
Inji Pennu said...
Kitchenmate, No you should'nt add tamarind.It changes the curry completely. You will get kudampuli at South Indian stores (they sometimes write it as kokum,tho' kokum is totally different).If you have malayali stores, ask for kudampuli.They will have it for sure. Periyar brand is okay.
Tue May 09, 02:55:00 PM 2006
Luv2cook said...
Hey LG:
Not a big fish fan here. My eating of seafood is limited to shrimp and catfish and that is it. I will have to hunt for kudampuli now.
BTW, for the fishy smell remedy, my mom used to do this - she first put a tablespoon of besan flour on her hands, rub it in and clean with regular soap. Do try it and see if it works :).
Tue May 09, 04:11:00 PM 2006
Revathi said...
Funny story but I know how proud you should be, And fish curry in mann chattii eating the next day with rice or idlis--hooo LG u are soo good in making me go hungry !!!!!
Tue May 09, 04:55:00 PM 2006
RP said...
Haha I am like your mom! I never get this red fish curry right. But my coconut fish curry is pretty famous. Let me see if I can make this right if I follow your recipe line by line. By the way, if you want the red color and don't want it too hot, use kashmiri chilli powder. I too don't like paprika. Right now I have eastern brand kashmiri chilli powder. First time hearing about rubaway, thank you for the link.
Tue May 09, 08:57:00 PM 2006
Inji Pennu said...
luv2cook: Oh, I didnt know that. I have heard of lemon and all,but it doenst really work.But why I like this one is, you just have to keep it near your kitchen sink just like soap and you can wash your hands immediately. I always think I should keep lemon etc near me before I start cleaning,but I forget! This one it is easy.
kitchenmate: If you take it back home,will they use it? My mom would immediately keep it in a shelf like a gift and never uses anyt stuff I buy fro here.She thinks it will get over soon.
revathi: fish with idli curry! hehehe , we used to ahve that regularly. I thought only we were strange eating that combination.
rp: try this and let me know.yeah, I think people who make good coconut curry tend to add lots of water to the curry. I think thats what spoils the curry.
Kashmiri chili powder...okay,next time. I like everything Waynad brand,they are really good.But they are hard to get.
Wed May 10, 06:54:00 AM 2006
Indira said...
Great story, LG.
Vijay bought frozen salmon last weekend. I am thinking of preparing a fish curry for him, following your recipe. What do you think? Is this curry good with salmon?
I've kokum(Maharastra) in stock.
Wed May 10, 11:38:00 AM 2006
Inji Pennu said...
indira: God answers prayers! I didn’t know you eat fish! :-)
Yes, salmon is fleshy. You can prepare it with salmon. It is better to use salmon steaks than fillets.
No, you need kudampuli itself. Since
kokum tastes a lot different than kudampuli. Actually, kudampuli in this dish, holds the ingredients together.
I am sure you can get kudampuli at some south Indian store. Kudampuli is harder than kokum. Are you sure you have kokum? Since I have seen many times, the packages with kokum on print actually is kudampuli. If you can get Periyar brand,they write 'kudampuli' on the packet.
Wed May 10, 02:16:00 PM 2006
Kitchenmate said...
LG: Definitely would try to get it when I go for my NJ trip. Let you know how it turned out:)
Wed May 10, 10:18:00 PM 2006
Indira said...
I came from a family of carnivores. Me and my sister are the family's black sheep, we don't eat meat.:)
Vijay on the other hand, likes everything, but he won't do extremes.
For the past week, he has been doing the grilling thing with salmon steaks, poor boy. I thought, it'd be fun to surprise him with a new recipe.
Dang, I've checked the packet that I purchased. No luck. It is kokum phool white. I bought it few months ago after reading a Goan recipe for fish. Haven't tried cooking with it yet. I am going to try it this time with kokum, LG, forgive me.:)
I'll remember to buy kodumpuli.
Thu May 11, 09:20:00 AM 2006
Kitchenmate said...
LG: I got only kokum from NJ Indian stores, kodumpuli is not available and i checked with couple of stores. Do you think i can use kokum in place of kodumpuli? and this recipe of yours have me hooked for sometime...
BTW: got that rubaway too;) and I am all set!
Fri Jun 09, 02:03:00 PM 2006
Kitchenmate said...
LG: Shall i post it in my blog, or do you have any blog email ID? Please let me know, i have my pictures ready and the pack lable says "KOKUM BLACK WET".
Sat Jun 10, 08:04:00 PM 2006
Kitchenmate said...
BTW: my email ID is!
Sat Jun 10, 08:05:00 PM 2006
Guess there is an ongoing confusion on the accuracy of Kudam puli..
Kudam Puli is known as Garcinia Cambogia
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