When today I had unexpected visitors at tea time, all I had was little bit of aval too. I hope I get that mansion tomorrow.
Rice Flake Snack (അവല് നനച്ചതു)
This is such a simple and quick snack, and certainly tastier than any "hip-hop" snacks, my mom would prepare it in the evening, for her hungry starving children from school. This is so filling, after eating this snack, we kids wouldn’t harass her with 'I-am-hungry' for the next two or three hours.

1 cup red/brown rice flake (It is made from this)1/2 cup coconut powder1/2 cup jaggery1/4 tsp of cumin
Now mix everything, think about a person whom you hate most and crush the ingredients with your hand thoroughly. The rice flake should be smashed with your hand nicely. At least for 10 minutes, do this and keep aside for 10 minutes for everything to greet each other. Serve with ripe bananas.If you find it little hard, sprinkle some milk and mix it again.

Egg Puffs
I used to collect money (well, ’collect' it is, don’t ask) to buy this snack from the nearby bakery at school, since for some weird reason my parents believed, one should not eat stuff from outside.
So egg puffs would be a rare treat like on a Wedding or some occasion or from the bakery I sneak out to ;-). I can still remember the aroma of egg puffs that makes one weak and hungry, when you walk past those bakeries on your way to school. Do we think with our noses or what?
I don’t know whether pastry sheets are available in India. But in U.S, it is available and it is so easy to make a quick snack.
For 4 eggs,Masala: Heat 1 tsp of vegetable oil, sauté 1 diced onion, 1tsp of diced ginger, 3 green chilies, 2 sprigs of curry leaves, salt, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, add 1 diced tomato in that order. Take from heat and add 1/2 teaspoon of garam masala. Divide into 8 equal portions.Boil eggs hard. Take out the shell, and cut the egg into two halves.

If dough is sticking, sprinkle some all prupose flour on the sheet and roll again. On a pastry sheet, place the egg and put the masala portion on top.

If you brush, beaten egg white on top, it will look good, but I don’t do it. Seal only two ends.
Dont seal the other two ends.
I dont know why, but the eggs peeking out makes it look good.
Bake for 20 minutes on 350 degrees, or until the pastry sheets are turning golden brown. The pastry will puff up and will turn flaky and crispy. Line your baking pan with parchment paper so that you don’t have to brush oil on the baking pan.

At 9/5/06 9:54 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
Do you hv any idea how happy you made me today!!!!!!
I wanted to eat egg puff since i left India..looked for a recipe all over the world.. Never found one that I felt happy like i did just now.
There used to be a bakery near the infant jesus church in Bangalore and I used to like working in tht area, so I could eat egg puffs for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
I am making it tonite. Thank you thank you thank you...
At 9/5/06 11:17 PM, starry nights said...
I have never eaten an egg puff,I think I am going to make it this weekend.Beautiful pics.Thank you.
At 10/5/06 6:56 AM, L G said...
Sarah:Oh, that makes me happy too!
starry nights:try it and let me know. thankyou.
At 10/5/06 7:54 AM, Gini said...
Yeah, my friends and me used to go to Anns at Kottayam everyday after tuition, and gobble down these egg puffs. Depending on the amount of money, the bakeries varied too. Puffs must be the all time favorite of school students. Puff pastry being available so easily makes so much of a difference.
At 10/5/06 8:29 AM, Luv2cook said...
L G:
I never ate egg puffs at the Indian bakeries. I always ate curry puffs and some good pastry. I will definitely try making this!
At 10/5/06 8:52 AM, RP said...
Ohhh!! So this is how you make those egg puffs. We had a bakery near our home in India, and I loved their egg puffs. I tried to replicate it several times, I even tried to stuff with the egg roast, but it was all a little different. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Aval looks good.
At 10/5/06 9:10 AM, Kitchenmate said...
Oh LG, I make egg and chicken puffs this way, dont you think they pair up very well with a cup of tea:)
At 10/5/06 9:11 AM, Kitchenmate said...
Aval looks very appetizing and puffs looks very delicious... i didn't write this in my previous message!!!
At 10/5/06 11:45 AM, Indira said...
Yum... egg puffs, DElicious!
First recipe with poha is interesting, I've never tried anything like that with poha before. and you mentioned to serve them with bananas. That's one new combination, certainly will look for the red rice and poha to try your recipes, LG. Thanks.
At 10/5/06 1:49 PM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Hi LG,Aval nanachathu reminded me of home,it is such a simple dish!In Kerala we get it as a prasadam in some temples too,
egg puffs looks yummmmmy!Do check my blog, i have just started few days back and will post more Kerala dishes
At 11/5/06 8:09 AM, Tanuja said...
Hi Lg;
Ur both dishes looks yummy and they are new to me It goes to my must try list, thanks for the recipes.
At 11/5/06 12:13 PM, JustLikeThat said...
It's nice to read all these comments along with the mouth watering recipes..remembered (From Gini's comments) Annes bakery near Baker Jn Kottayam..and all the pastries and various types of puffs we ate there.and ...The way our mothers quickly makes Aval nanachathu in the evenings..
Also InjiManga..we do call it as Injimanga only like you say..not MangaInji..
And your wish is granted ..for the mansion ..You can take the 'White House' and you have 'Mr.Bush' free with that..See you've got something more than 'Kuchela' got from 'Krishna'..
At 11/5/06 6:34 PM, Santhi said...
Never heard of ur version of Poha..
very intresting LG..
and lovely looking egg puffs...
At 12/5/06 12:48 PM, L G said...
gini: Dont they make the best fruit cakes at Anns?
Yeah, Do you know whether puff pastry whether is available in india?
luv2cook: What's curry puffs?You mean with meat?
rp:try it and let me know
kitchenmate: YES! it is absolutely heavenly to have it for tea in the evening!
indira: Indira ,you can make it with white poha also. But red poha is more nutritious and lots of fiber.But it is harder than white poha. Yeah, this sweet poha is the one Lord Krishna ate from Kuchela.
Bananas are a good combination with this,especially if you get the small ones.
sumitha shibu:Yeah,I love these simple traditional dishes. They are made thinking of your health than the 'style' the new dishes have.
I think they serve aval vilayichathu at temples. I shall post a recipe soon for that. My mom-in-law makes excellent aval vilayichathu.
tanuja: Try it and let me know.
justlikethat: Yeah, I think Aval nanachathu is a typical Kerala evening snack at home. I think it is the memories that makes them more tastier,here soo far away from home :-( . The aromas from various bakeries is just soo delicious. U.S is a country with no smell.
HeHeHe..No thanks.I wanted something like the Buckingham or the Mysore :-)
santhi: Maybe this recipe never 'leaked' out of Kerala I guess due to its simplicity. :-)
At 12/5/06 10:31 PM, Nandita said...
Hey LG,
are these red rice flakes avaailable only in Kerala, i have never seen them in Bombay. I would love to use them when i make poha (which is a regular breakfast fare in my home)- Im sure it's a healthier option--
Guess I will have to ask someone who is going to Kerala to get me this one, or should i try in any Kerala stores in Bombay??
Puffs look delish, just that we dont get filo pastry here (sigh sigh)
At 14/5/06 6:56 PM, L G said...
nandita I am sure some Kerala store in Bombay has that.
Yes,red flakes are much much healthier.
At 16/6/06 8:20 AM, Anonymous said...
I tries the Egg Puff for the first time and what can I say, Excellent , Delicious ! My wife loved it
At 7/11/06 1:28 AM, Kunjachan said...
Really I like this bolg....
It made me sad because I am missing all those stuff and Puffs..
I am from Pune. Pinne ninte perum kollam ..Kettodi injipenne...
My native is at Pala, near Anns bakeries owners house...where all these stuffs are creating..
All the best to Inji..
Kottayam Kunjachan
At 8/11/06 4:41 PM, Anonymous said...
Thnx....a bunch hon..u made my whole year...I ws searching for a way to make puffs for the last 2 yrs...and my mouth always waters whenever i see the pastery puffs in the american stores and always wondering y they never made the egg puffs....my husband found this site for me and i am a great fan of u Injipennee...i am definitely going to try this and will post a comment real soon...
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