After I posted about the
Green Blog Project and when kind-hearted co-bloggers started to link the Project, I got nervous. Real nervous! I double, triple checked my plants every other day, checked my pots and soil to make sure I have them and they are okay and doing fine.
You know, I was nervous "What If none of my vegetables grow and I can’t post any?
"Well, I got nervous unnecessarily. They have no clue about the GBP for summer and they are all doing fine, healthy and happy (Now, touch wood!).
*Silence, Lights out********Tadang!!!! *Applause, All Lights*
For the month of May for Green Blog Project, I am introducing Garden Fresh

Green Roma Tomatoes,grown in my garden from seeds, right from Italy…err…sorry from nearby Home Depot.I
grow Roma Tomatoes, since they are medium shaped and the right amount for one batch of curry. Roma Tomatoes are heirloom variety from Italy, firm when ripe and very good for sauces and canning.

Tomato flowering in my yard
I got them as seeds (I normally don't like to buy plants, since I want to get that gardener’s satisfaction of starting my babies from seeds).

Baby tomatoes starting to form from pollinated flowers
I collect plastic cups after a party, punch couple of holes at the bottom, fill it 3/4th with soil and compost, dig a hole with my finger through quarter way of the cup from top, put the seed in, cover with soil and water it regularly and give them good amount of sunshine. After the danger of frost, I plant them outside in the yard.

Tomato ready to pluck for our dishI planted them on February end and now they are growing with vigor giving me a bunch of tomatoes to pick every other week. I pluck them before they turn ripe, for fear of tiny little birds that visit my garden and like to feast on them.
Tomatoes are high in Lycopene content, though it is not advised to eat them raw regularly, since their skin can cause kidney stones.
Recipe for Green tomato fry:

Green Tomatoes – 3 cups deseeded. Take out the seeds and the pulp after cutting them into half, seeds will make the dish mushy.Cut them into small pieces.

Coarse grind or crush 2 pods of garlic, a pinch of cumin, a pinch of salt, ½ cup of coconut in a mortar pestle or without any water in a wet grinder.
Heat 1 tsp of oil, splutter ¼ tsp mustard seeds, sauté 1 sprig of curry leaves, one whole red chili split into two, ½ cup of red onions or shallots diced, 4 green chilies, a pinch of turmeric and salt – in that order.
Add the cut tomatoes, cover and cook for 10 minutes in low flame or until semi done. Now add the coconut paste in the middle, cover the coconut paste with the tomatoes and cover and cook again for 5 or 6 minutes. Open cover and in high flame, stir everything together continuously or until it becomes very dry.

Serve it with rice or roti. Isint this a green green blog? :-). They taste similar to brinjal fry, but a little, a very little on the sour side. The coconut mixture actually balances the sourness of rawtomatoes.
1 comment:
At 17/5/06 4:35 PM, indosungod said...
LG I agree starting plants from seeds give you that satisfaction of seeing them germinate. But when I go to HomeDepot and see all the vegetable seedlings can't resist buying a few and planting them also. Bless FL weather, we have to wait till end of May to safely plant them outside. I put few of the seedlings outside over the weekend (rush of participating in the GBP, so you are to blame? just kidding!!!) and now I am keeping my fingers crossed, the last few days have been a little on the chilly send. Do send some sushine over from FL.
At 17/5/06 6:13 PM, Anonymous said...
LG, I love your blog! I love gardening and when I saw your idea about the green blog project I was so excited!! I don't have a blog but now I am thinking that maybe I should get one so I can post pictures of my herbs and vegetable plants. I just bought a bunch of vegetable plants today. We have a huge yard but unfortunately there are a lot of wild rabbits here in Texas and they will eat most anything you plant. So, I have to stick to container gardening for now.
You know what else would be nice? It would be nice if people start growing flowers too... then post pictures of the colorful blooms. They can use some of these flowers for flower arrangements that can be displayed along with the foods that they prepare.
At 17/5/06 7:36 PM, Vineela said...
Hi lg,
Wow ,Great.As you said iam going to open bakery there in front of your garden.So,LET us start exchanging veggies and sweets.
I used fresh drumsicks.
At 17/5/06 7:45 PM, archanat said...
Green tomato thoran looks yummy. I have a Roma tomato plant growing up happily in a contianer. Hopefully, if everything works well, i will make it in two or three months !!!
At 17/5/06 7:52 PM, Gini said...
They look so good and healthy! Kannu kittathe sookshichonam. I used to love that tomato curry, haven't had it in ages. This was the first time I tried to grow some radishes from seeds and I used an egg crate to grow seeds. They work perfectly well!
At 17/5/06 10:29 PM, Shankari said...
tomatoes look great! nothing like picking veggies and fruits from your own garden
At 18/5/06 9:21 AM, Krithika said...
Your green roma tomatoes look so good. After reading about your GBP I have planted some seeds. Hopefully the birds and the wild rabbits wont get to it this time.
At 18/5/06 10:10 AM, L G said...
isg: Sigh! Only if you knew.
You know it is actually not easy to grow stuff in Florida. Since up north,you get a good cold weather for some months,all pests die and normally I have'nt even seen any pests in North.
But in South Florida, you have everything,every single pest you can think of,just like you have in India. There are lizards (ewww) in living inside your patio stones etc.
And not to mention all those furry animals,having a party in my yard. And the hurricanes and the heavy winds we get here. I lost my alphonso mango tree and a plum tree on last hurricane. Some people lost like 20 mango trees etc. It is really terrible. But we plant them again and challenge the nature. I plant chilies near my plants to get rid of pests, garlic water and what not!
There you go! I cribbed enough :)
But the bright side is,I pefer the sunshine and pests and animals to a cold winter. I hate to see trees losing their leaves. I was shocked to see that when I was living up North for the first time. I mean I have just read about it in books, and then to really see.To me it was like someone dying. :(
At 18/5/06 10:17 AM, Aparna said...
Hi LG,
You are just fantastic!! You insprired me to grow some green. Being in Middle East its hard for me to take up this project... and its a too damn hot season. I wish i could do something.
BTW you are included in my blogroll.
At 18/5/06 10:31 AM, Aparna said...
Ayyo!! you know what?! there is so much to read in your blog!! I just want to swallow everything at one shot, i am not able to due to time constraints.. i will come back tomorrow
At 18/5/06 10:32 AM, L G said...
sowmya: Thank you so much!
Please do start a blog and post pics,so I can visit your yard. Yes, growing flowers and your idea is just fantastic! I will try to post something like that too. I grow lot of flowers. But have no clue in "arranging" them.
Here look at this rabbit repellent article.
We have wild rabbits here too, but we have a medium sized lake behind our yard,which protects us from it.
vineela:hehehe.Won't that be nice?Growing up one of my ambition was to sell my own vegetables in a tiny little car. :)
archana:Great! Do plant something else too and give us a pic of your plants.
gini: That's indeed a neat idea to grow in egg crates. Thank you. "uppum mulakum uzhinjidunnundu kannu kittandu" :)
shankari: Dont know why,but i like your name so much:).Yeah! it gives me immense satisfaction. It is just like cooking. You are creating something.
krithika: Thats great! I would love to see your plants!
At 18/5/06 12:33 PM, Vineela said...
Hi lg,
Really lot is there to read from your blog.
By your blog only i came to know how the weather is in florida nad how much you would have in the time of hurricane?
No pblm,i will come and meet you in farmers market "Dont worry" Really i love that idea,LG.
i dont have patio also to grow small plants and participate but i can enjoy seeing your blog and your views.When we were small we had a brinjals,chillies in our house more than 10 ft * 6ft and we really enjoyed going and plucking and helping to mom.When you will see that freshness in vegetables that happiness is different coz you are proud owner of your own effort.
ohh ,enough...
Those days will not come back.
Keep going and growing....
At 18/5/06 1:20 PM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Wow never heard of tomato thoran before,looks tasty!Do u have any idea whether we can substitute the ordinary raw red tomatoes?
At 18/5/06 2:00 PM, starry nights said...
You do have a green thumb, the plant looks healthy, I think it has got to do with the love you give them also.I love gardening but am unable to do so now because of an injury, but hopefully when I am better I will be back to gardening.thanks for sharing your gardening ideas.
At 18/5/06 2:01 PM, L G said...
sumitha: Yes.Any raw tomato would be fine as long as you deseed it.Get firm green ones. Make sure you don't get the ones,
that have started to ripe and turn from bright green to yellowish-red.
At 18/5/06 2:50 PM, Ashwini said...
What a beaut. I wish I could start a garden too (we are on a short term assignment here)...look forward to your garden updates :-)
At 18/5/06 2:54 PM, KrishnaArjuna said...
Eating garden fresh vegetables.. boy, aren't you lucky!! I tried to pot some plants at the start of spring and they died off to excess rain..
Our region is not good for raising tropical plants, I have learnt that the hard way after killing a curry leaf plant and tulasi plants. They couldn't survive as house plants due to lack of humidity.
At 18/5/06 4:36 PM, Lakshmi said...
i luv these green tomatoes.
At 18/5/06 9:30 PM, Nandita said...
I absolutely LOVE what you are doing !! Seeing all the beautiful stuff you seem to be growing, everybody wants to know which part of the world is your fertile land located ;)
Will sure bookmark all your gardening tips- will need them when I move into my own home and garden in bglr couple of years down the road- you are a wonderful inspiration for that- all with a touch of humour, what more can one ask !
Keep up the super work LG
At 19/5/06 6:07 AM, RP said...
Beautiful pictures LG. I am sorry that you lost the alphonso mango tree. Your yard sounds like a must see one. Lizards? I am not coming. I am too scared of all the creepy crawlys! Do you have snakes?
Hey you should start a separate garden blog. You have enough to show off. Please post pictures of those coconut trees if you can.
At 19/5/06 7:26 AM, JustLikeThat said...
GBP is a great work InjiManga. Thank you for all the tips and sharing all these with us.
Can you plse post a little about the Garden Tools if you don't mind?
At 19/5/06 9:58 AM, indosungod said...
LG sorry about the trees, I feel upset for a few days when the deer and rabbits munch on plants, so it must have been horrible to lose those trees. But like you said nothing beats not having to put up with the cold. How long does it take for a mango tree to grow and fruit
At 19/5/06 6:05 PM, Reshma said...
കലക്കി ട്ടോ എല്ല്ജീ! നാട്ടിന്നും തിരിച്ചു വന്ന് ഇനിയും എന്തേലും ഒക്കെ നട്ട് പിടിപ്പിക്കാനുള്ള ത്രില്ലായി. ഇവിടെ തിന്നാനുള്ള പച്ചയായി മിനിറ്റ് തോറും വളരുന്ന പുതിനയും, ഞാന് താലോലിച്ച് താലോലിച്ച് ഒരു കോലം ആക്കിയ മല്ലിയിലയും, മെല്ലെപ്പോക്ക് സിന്ദാബാദ് കറിവേപ്പിലയും. കഴിഞ്ഞ augustല് വാങ്ങുമ്പോ അതില് 3 ചോട്ട തണ്ട്,feb-march വരെ അത് അപ്പടി തന്നെ, നോ വളര്ച്ച, നോ തളര്ച്ച , march കഴിഞ്ഞ് 5 പുതിയ തണ്ടൂട്ടെ വന്ന്ണ്ട് . ഈ കറിവേപ്പില ഒന്നൂടെ ഉഷാറാക്കാന് എന്താ ചെയ്യാ? ചട്ടി, miracle grow soil, miracle grow plant food ആണ് ബേസിക്സ്. ഒരു മൂവി ഉണ്ടാരുന്നു fried green tomatoes, കണ്ടിരുന്നോ?പിന്നെ എനിക്കീ തഴച്ച് വളരുന്ന പച്ചപ്പ് കാണുമ്പോഴൊക്കെ കടിച്ച്പറിച്ച് തിന്നാന് തോന്നും, ഇതൊരു രോഗമാണോ ഡാക്റ്റര്? ഇനിയും തോട്ടപ്പണി റ്റിപ്പ്സ് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചു കൊണ്ട്...
At 19/5/06 8:49 PM, Indira said...
LG: I love you and your posts. I feel great whenever I visit your blog. Your writeup and photos everything makes me write a love poem to you.:):) I am going to do that soon, wait and see.:)
By the way, I've prepared the salmon curry with kokum and tamarind following your recipe. Vijay liked it. Many thanks and I'll buy kudampuli during my next grocery trip, will prepare it authentic Kottayam style.
At 20/5/06 6:14 AM, sailaja said...
LG,I just love what your doing with your garden.Awesome!
Nothing like growing your own veggies and cook your meal with home grown fresh produce.
Way to go,buddy!!!You sure are inspiring..:)
At 20/5/06 3:17 PM, L G said...
aparna:Where exactly are you in middle east? I have heard now Dubai is more greener than Kerala.
vineela: I can relate to that experience Vineela,I think just like the cooking,gardening is all about 'creation' and the memories of our childhood makes it more valuable.
starrynights:Oh,hope you are okay now.
ashwini:oh! short term assignments. I think there is no point in buying so much stuff then.We used to live like that for 2 years.
lakshmi: me too!
nandita: Cant grow any plants now where you are currently staying,nandita?
rp: actually, i shoudlnt even crib like that. I feel guilty. you know so many things can go wrong in a hurricane and plants are the last we should worry about i guess.Yes, Florida has snakes.but actually only in the wild or really unkempt places. I too hate lizards and all that creepy stuff,but you know for a foot of snow, I will take 100 lizards :) .South Florida is almost like Kerala with swaying coconut trees and mango trees, beautiful lakes every one mile. We also have Golden Shower Tree -- our beloved vishukonna. I dont have it my yard but.
justlikethat: My main GardenTool is my dear husband:)
hehehe. he actually does the hard part okay. I dont carry heavy stuff,prepare the ground etc.he too loves to do it.
Actually i dont use any major tools. I will post some pics of the tools i use.
reshma:hehehe. you are so funny. I wouldnt recommend miracle grow for curry leaf.Since we directly take the leaves for cooking, I would only put Organic something. There is a small kit you get in HomeDepot to find what is lacking in your soil. If there is no growth,mostly nitrogen I would guess. You get plant food called 'Blood Meal' in Home Depot which is 100% organic nitrogen and the it gets absorbed quickly. i didnt see the movie.
ഹി!ഹി! അതൊരു രോഗം തെന്നെ കുട്ടീ.ഞാന് എല്ലാര്ക്കും തോട്ടം ട്ടിപ്സ് വായിക്കാന് പറ്റട്ടെ അങ്ങിനെ എന്റെ വിവരം നാലാളു അറിയട്ടെ എന്നു കരുതിയാണു കേട്ടൊ ആംഗലേയത്തില് മറുപിടി തന്നതു. പരിഭവിക്കരുതു. പ്ലീസ്.
indira: Oh! What do I say? You visiting my blog itself,makes me happy and if you are gonna write a poem...then I would have to buy a new house with a higher roof :) Love you too!! you are the one who made me start a blog! So everything it is inspired from you.
Oh! I am happy he liked the fish curry. Next time with kudampuli,
sailaja:Yes it is great to have the feeling of plucking veggies from your backyard.So when can I see your little garden?
archanat: actually i have never even heard of injimaanga lest eat it.Only 6 month ago,I was introduced to it! Very few mallus I know have heard about it actually.Dont know why.
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