“L.G. I like my husband and all…but I don’t think he is a good person. He even eats tiny birds. I don’t know how my marriage is going to be.”
I haven’t laughed like that in my life. I told everyone whom I could get hold of and it became the joke of the year at our office. My friend is a 100% vegan! I mean, she considers people who eat mushrooms in non-veg category. She married (yes, arranged marriage) a non-vegan, a 100% one.
Life is full of ironies, isn’t it? Before marriage she asked him everything – Smoke? No. Drink? No. Non-veg? Oh-no! Never. Well after marriage he said to her, “Oh I was just kidding to all the three. Did you take it seriously?"
Well, as any newly wed wife, eager to impress her husband, she even asked me for non-veg recipes. I think she covered her nose, mouth and eyes while cooking non-veg. And one day, her husband brought home Quail Meat or called as ‘kaada erachi’ in Malayalam. Thats how I got the email.
It is considered to be medicinal food and not easily available and hence a sought-after delicacy.
You get it here in U.S in specialty Organic stores like Wild Oats, Whole Foods etc.

Mix everything into the quail and keep aside for an hour. Dice 1 small potato.
Heat ½ cup of frying oil, add the potatoes and roast them for 3 minutes. Then add the quail and the mixture and in low heat, fry them. Cover and cook for 10 minutes and then turn the quail pieces and then open cover cook until done.

She is living happily ever after with her two wonderful kids and her still-quail-eating husband :). But look who got in trouble for quail hunting.
At 22/5/06 2:57 PM, starry nights said...
Never tasted Quail meat, But I can sympathize with your friend because I did not know how to cook chicken and one day messed it upso badly that I threw it down the trash shoute before my husband came home.later I learnt by asking my mom for recipes.
At 22/5/06 4:18 PM, Lakshmi said...
Dear L G,
It is wonderful to come across traditional Keralite terms, recipes, dishes. Shall mark your blog among my favourites and come by more often.
At 22/5/06 6:04 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
aha.. now i understood.. so all these while i was eating kada erachi and didn't know it ws quail meat. i used to tell ammachi abt quail eggs we get in malaysia and how i loved it and described in detail.. she taught me abt kada and the medicinal value...both of certainly didn't know we were talking abt the same bird!
At 22/5/06 8:02 PM, indosungod said...
LG a great story, you are funny, and that is some lip smacking quail fry you have there.
At 22/5/06 8:11 PM, Vineela said...
Tommorrow bfast is your rava unniappam.Thanks for the recipe.
At 22/5/06 9:53 PM, RP said...
I feel sorry for your friend. It wasn't nice of him to just kid to all her questions. Good to know that she got adjusted with her quail-eating husand at last, and happily living.
Quail fry looks great.
At 22/5/06 10:08 PM, L G said...
starry nights : It is a big change for people to go from veg to non-veg or vice versa,something like starting to smoke or drink, I would say.
lakshmi: thank you. I didn’t see any recipes in your blog?
Sarah: really? I can’t blv that!
isg: try some ;)
vineela: Oh! For breakfast? We have it as evening tea-time snack. I can’t have sweet stuff for breakfast.
rp: Oh C'mon. Please don’t feel bad RP. Even she laughs about it. I found it so funny, because of her innocence. You know RP, eating non-veg is the last thing for which a marriage can go wrong!
I called her up immediately and had a riot laughing about it.:) I told her I too eat it and we both are thick friends. When she heard I too eat it, she sighed a huge relief and somehow then it became okay for her.
But now he doesn’t smoke or drink but eats non-veg. Atta boy! I would say :-)
At 23/5/06 3:04 AM, indianadoc said...
thanx lg for that puttu link...cool link!!
At 23/5/06 7:12 AM, Puspha said...
Mmmmm yummy..........
At 23/5/06 1:25 PM, archanat said...
I have never tasted Kada erachi before, how does the taste compare to other poultry meat? If i ever get to cook kada erachi, i am glad that i don't have to look anywhere else for the recipe.
At 23/5/06 3:31 PM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Hi lg,hearing about Kaada erachi for the first time!I enquired with my hubby about it,he said we shall have it when we go to kerala.How does it taste?I am so curious.The quail fry looks delicious!
At 23/5/06 4:25 PM, Lakshmi said...
:-) I don't blog here. Not mostly.
At 23/5/06 5:44 PM, L G said...
indiandoc: you are welcome :)
puspha: :-) yes it is!!
archana: It tastes almost like chicken. a little on the wild side and has a different flavour.(Well! The chicken we get here has no flavour!)
sumitha: yes,you should have some.You get it in Madras,Bangalore etc. not only in Kerala.
At 24/5/06 6:43 AM, indianadoc said...
Many a time I take that 'ultimate resolution' to become a vegetarian...a sudden monastic sympathy for fellow beings which vanishes into thin air when I look at some of those mouthwatering NV recipes...your kada irachi is equally tempting...So..this sin is not mine!! ;)
At 24/5/06 1:58 PM, L G said...
indiandoc: If it is for religious restrictions or diet restrictions,
I understand it.But in my humble opinion,I think it is quite silly to think by eating non-veg as harming animals. Anyway glad my quail changed it :-))
At 5/6/06 10:27 PM, Mel said...
Mushrooms? I've never heard of anyone considering them non-vegan before. Fungi aren't animals.
This looks very tasty! Perhaps I will try to get some quail.
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