I love cooking as well as gardening. And someone famous once said, “A good cook always is a good gardener” (hehehe. I made that up!). But won’t it be nice, if we can host something every summer and winter, with the vegetables we grow in our garden?

Everything grows in containers here. Yes, if back home someone told me curry leaves grows in container, I would have laughed my head off. But here I have seen giant Mango trees to Palm trees in 20 gallon containers…yes 20 gallon giant pots.
Won’t it be sweeter, if we cooked up something as the main ingredient, right from our garden without those harmful pesticides and fertilizers? Isn’t it nice to go back to those simple old days back home, where you grow almost everything and you do your little part in turning the planet green?

So you know you have ample time to prepare. If you start something today, you can get something in one or two months. So, on September I will post all the round up recipes for summer vegetables and on March,the winter ones.
Okay, all fine. But I didn’t understand the main criteria?
Simple! Try to post a recipe with a picture of your plant and the vegetable as the main ingredient.If it is your neighbor’s plant also it is okay, as long as you didn’t buy the vegetable. :-)

Oh,C'mon I think I can trust anyone who loves to cook! Besides, it would be 'nice' to see your plants(Aha!)
Try growing one vegetable for summer and another one for winter and keep on trying a new vegetable every season, so it will be really interesting. And if you have kids at home, make sure you don’t tell them anything about the roots. My little brother used to pluck every plant every single day to see whether it had roots, after he was told by my mom, “we are waiting it to have good roots.”
“But, if I grow chickens, can I post those recipes too?”
Oh yeah, you are more than welcome, but please send us some pictures of your chickens first :-)
Okay, how about the fish in my fish tank? No, sorry, can’t do that. But if you really catch some live fish -- from a lake or the sea then you are more than welcome!
(But the hard part is going to be, I think my blog is visited by 2+3 = 5 people, so the hard part would be for me to publicize. But I hope the great cooks with hit blogs out there would help me in this. I will send you people cookies. I hope people are not going to think I am arrogant to start a blog project when I hardly started posting:-). Pardon me fellas, but I wanted to get this started as soon as possible, so we could get time to grow something out there.)
This is also a dedication for the ‘Garden Fresh Aunty’. I used to live in her basement as a tenant and she used to grow all kind of vegetables in her yard and she would cook them up (she was a great cook!) and would feed me her dishes, announcing with a big smile on her face and a spring in her step, ”Garden Fresh!”. We nicknamed her Garden Fresh aunty. She died two years ago of breast cancer. May her soul rest in peace!
Now the next question is what all can you grow? There are so many vegetables for the people with the yards out there, but for people with patios, here is a small list to start with.
For summer:
Corainder and all kinds of herbs
Curry leaves
Oriental Spinach
For winter:
Seems like little hard work than the usual, but trust me, nothing tastes better than your own garden grown stuff. And to watch those tiny little things fruit is extremely fulfilling.
Gardening Tips (For U.S):Get good potting soil for pots, and get cow manure dry (no, there is no smell) at Wal-mart, Home Depot etc. Mix 1:1.
Add the seeds or the plants (from Garden Center of Wal-mart /Home Depot/K-Mart/Lowes etc), follow instructions, water them regularly and just watch them grow. I will try my best to answer any gardening questions here.Want some more seeds?
Try evergreenseeds.comSo go ahead, soak your seeds and start your little garden out there and post your recipes as a comment here. This link is always going to be on the top.I hope all those food bloggers out there will participate and make the blog a greener place to be!
Send the entries to greenblogproject AT gmail DOT com or leave a comment here
At 2/5/06 11:39 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
as someone who succesfully killed all the plants I ever came in contact with, whose mother has forbidden me from ever entering her garden, whose daughter cried all the way from school,because only her mint plant( ofcurse planted by her mother) died...i am disappointed to state tht I am out of gardening.. sigh!!
At 3/5/06 9:10 AM, Indira said...
Hi LG,
Thanks for the invite. Great idea, I like it and you can count me in. I'll do all I can to publicise your event.:)
I live in a rented townhouse with very limited space allowed for gardening. Most of it I grow in containers. I've that gardening bug and can't resist the impulse, come spring.:)
I'll wait for my cookies.:)
and no fish from fish tank? That's a bummer.:)
At 3/5/06 9:14 AM, Indira said...
oops, spell mistake. I mean publicize.
At 3/5/06 9:22 AM, Luv2cook said...
Hey L.G:
I don't have my own garden but am helping some of my friends with their garden. One of my friends actually asked me to use some of her herb garden and I planted some basil and lemon basil. They basil JUST started coming up. I will definitely be up for this challenge and I will do my part in publicizing your event :)!
At 3/5/06 9:40 AM, Saffron Hut said...
LG, cool idea! I love growing plants and have a small vegetable patch in the backyard. I would love to take part in your event and will spread the word around :)
I wasn't planning on planting anything this summer because of an upcoming trip, but you are tempting me!!!
Happy gardening!
At 3/5/06 10:00 AM, archanat said...
It is never too early to launch a fantastic idea LG, i feel like planting something right away. I have methi seeds with me right now, will start with that and build on. I am just a 3 weeks old blogger newbie, but will defanitely do my part in spreading the word around.
At 3/5/06 10:01 AM, Sandeep Menon said...
this is such a lovely blog....full of mouth watering photos of good malayali food....great effort....best of luck.
At 3/5/06 10:55 AM, Krithika said...
Nice idea. This link is very useful for anyone interested in growing asian vegetables.
At 3/5/06 11:03 AM, RP said...
I do container gardening. This year I hope to have some mint, cilantro, and methi. I told my husband to get me a couple of basil plants while he was at the Farmer's market. He bought me Holy Basil! I love to have some parsley and basil because I love Italian food. I have grown tomatoes, eggplants, okra, different types of chillies etc. in the past, but not this year.
At 3/5/06 12:18 PM, Lakshmi said...
nice site, just came to your site th' your comment on others.
At 3/5/06 1:21 PM, Vineela said...
Hi LG,
Thanks for inviting green blog project.i live in an apt so let me decide what i can grow?
But sure i like the idea and iam going to work for it...
At 3/5/06 1:26 PM, Vineela said...
Hi lg,
About mango bobbattlu it is like "poli" we call it as bobbatlu in telugu poli in tamil nad poranpoli in gujarathi .
At 3/5/06 2:18 PM, Kitchenmate said...
LG: You can definitely count me in.I will do my level best to spread word about this green event..
I am such an garden-hearted :) person, that i already bought tomato plants, planted sprouted methi seeds, not planned about other right now.. let you know..
Happy gardening!!!
At 3/5/06 8:40 PM, L G said...
I am so happy you all are really excited about this. I was thinking maybe this is not a good idea after all and actually wrote the post a while back and hesitated to post it until yesterday. Thank you so much.
A very greenful thank you! I am so excited that I can visit all your gardens!
At 3/5/06 10:11 PM, RP said...
Added you to my blogroll. :)
At 4/5/06 5:03 PM, Santhi said...
I have never grown anything edile so far in my entire life :):)
But I am always up to a good challenge LG..
Count me in...
And abt chicken 65, Have no clue why it got the name.
At 5/5/06 11:58 PM, starry nights said...
Hi; I just stumbled on your site.I have a curry leaf plant growing in a pot, which I started from a seed.It is only 3inches tall.and has been like that for the last year.any tips anyone?
At 7/5/06 9:42 AM, Susan in Italy said...
LG, This is such a great idea! I love gardening even though I gave up a nice big plot in a community garden in Minneapolis for a couple balconies in Italy. I still do my best. Count me in. Now, you MUST tell me how you grow curry leaves (well, a curry plant, I guess) in a pot. Where do youy get the seeds? How big should the pot be? Do tell!
At 7/5/06 6:08 PM, L G said...
starrynights:Maybe it is the weather. In winter months, when the plant is inside, it goes dormant. Or try planting in a larger pot. I had mine in a 10 gallon pot and with lot of organic fertilizers like tea leaves (after straining the tea) waste, eggshells
susaninitaly: Oh,thank you.
Curry plant and curry leaf plant are both different. I think you are talking about curry leaf plant used for South Indian cooking,
right? I have no clue where you get that in Italy. If it is in U.S I could tell you. But checkout the Indian stores in Italy ,esp South Indian stores(?). Or ask them,they might even have it in their homes.
Plant them in a 10 gallon pot or the largest one you can get. It is very sensitive,so as soon as it is fall, keep them inside near the brightest window. And move them out in spring or summer or when the temps are at least 21 degree celsius.
At 7/5/06 6:40 PM, Nupur said...
Such an incredible project! I am definitely going to try and participate!
At 8/5/06 10:59 AM, Reshma said...
now this is a very green-green idea! Thanks for inviting me, LG.
I cannot plant much this summer as we are planning on a trip to our own soil soon, I do have some lush mint and reluctant cilantro. once again, great idea!
At 8/5/06 5:40 PM, Mythili said...
LG, I am going to support this event too and I will start by planting fenugreek and coriander. This is my first time here and I love your green blog project. I have put up a note on my blog about this event.
At 9/5/06 7:43 AM, My Blog said...
Great idea . I have have blog where I post rarely and so no one checks that too ;-) .
I do some gardening every year. I never buy bottle guard , cucumber almost. I freeze what I grow at the end of the season to use in winter months. I have friends who freeze all other veggies .
I look forward to participate in the event.
At 10/5/06 9:30 AM, Lalith said...
Hi L.G
Your Blog gr8 along with other gr8 bloggers,,
I was wondering If any one knows how I can get curry plant, i tried searching all nurseries in VA :(
No luck, and not sure If the Bhatia nurseries is a reliable source?? Any Ideas??
At 10/5/06 9:34 AM, L G said...
They have been in business for a very long time.So they might be reliable. I mean if you pay via a credit card,they cant really cheat you or anything like that. So I dont think there is much harm.
You live in Virginia and cant find a curry leaf plant? Try indian stores,ask the shop owners, your Indian neighbours,temples (last place where i lived, they used to sell the curry plant and tulasi plant in the temple) etc.
At 10/5/06 9:39 AM, L G said...
try this link
At 10/5/06 10:11 AM, L G said...
nupur,reshma,mythili and my blog thank you sooo much!
At 10/5/06 12:26 PM, indosungod said...
Great Idea, will defintely participate, I am garden/cooking enthusiast too.
At 22/5/06 1:03 AM, Nabeela said...
You had to choose something I wasn't good at, didn't you? :P I'm talking about plants...somehow everything I've tried to grow so far has died on me. But your blog has given me hope...I might try something from a seed this time...although I don't really have hopes.
At 1/6/06 12:16 AM, Alane said...
Neat! I have some pots of herbs and tomatoes going already (not sure how the tomatoes will do--only one lonely flower so far), and I'm thinking of attempting strawberries and potatoes as well. So if I don't forget between now and September, I'll be entering (even if basil is likely to be the only thing in large enough amount to qualify as "main ingredient").
I love the idea!
At 1/6/06 8:28 AM, Tanna said...
What a really wonderful idea! I'll see what I can do.
Lovely blog.
At 1/6/06 12:15 PM, ejm said...
Thank you for the reminder!!
In March I had promised myself to try growing kalonji. As soon as I finish replying here, I'm going out to sow a few seeds. The rain that is falling right now should be perfect for them.
(just discovered your blog via Barbara's "Tigers and Strawberries")
At 1/6/06 10:34 PM, Alane said...
Since herbs are rarely main ingredients (aside from pesto, infused oils, things like that), do recipes where the herb is the dominant flavor qualify for your project? (I'm mostly growing herbs; I don't expect the tomatoes or strawberries to do very well.)
At 2/6/06 3:22 PM, Nabeela said...
I have the same question as alane...i'm just growing herbs...and they are not generally the main ingredient in any dish I know...so is it ok to use it to flavor dishes and not use it as a main ingredient?
At 4/6/06 2:11 PM, Kalyn said...
I'm going to post this today as part of my recap for Weekend Herb Blogging, so I think you may get some participants from there. For sure, I'll be sending an entry.
At 5/6/06 6:28 PM, Christa said...
This is a fantastic idea. Count me in!
I like that you're encouraging people to grow something edible -- even in a small space. I have a small plot at a community garden and it's really amazing how much I can grow. Stop by and see at Calendula & Concrete.
At 6/6/06 12:15 AM, obachan said...
Hi LG,
What a great idea! Some of my herbs are sprouting now. I hope to be able to participate in this GBP in a couple of months! :)
At 13/6/06 3:15 PM, Indira said...
Hi LG,
Here are my two entries for Green Blog Project.
1. Methi - From Pot to Plate - Methi Dal with Rice
2. Basil - From Pot to Plate - Basil Spinach Pasta
At 19/6/06 3:18 PM, Debra said...
This is a fantastic idea.. now I have a different question.
So far you have invited the food bloggers to grow something and cook it. Is this invitation also open to the gardening bloggers? For some of us the challenge will be the cooking part!
At 19/6/06 3:19 PM, Debra said...
This is a fantastic idea.. now I have a different question.
So far you have invited the food bloggers to grow something and cook it. Is this invitation also open to the gardening bloggers? For some of us the challenge will be the cooking part!
At 20/6/06 1:34 AM, Reading Dirt said...
Oh, the garden bloggers are going to be all over this. I've already been eating lettuce, peas, strawberries, and raspberries out of my garden. My only recipe for the latter two is: 1) go to garden 2) pick fresh, sun-warmed berries (rain-spattered is okay, too) 3) eat.
At 20/6/06 6:01 AM, Kris said...
Yes, she's right! I'm in the US, Atlanta specifically. I ate basil last night and will have squash when it's ready this weekend. Much more growing. All in containers. Love your blog! Bookmarking it.
At 17/7/06 11:20 AM, Anonymous said...
Hi LG,
Nice blog. I would like to know where u can get curry leaves and the indian sour tomamtoes. The ones in the US mainland are quite tasteless and do not add much flavor. I wud also like some info on the best times to plant seeds, watering instructions, using complementary plant food like Miralce Grow etc. Any good sites or info on that?
I'd also like the authentic kerala 'aviyal' recipe, if u can get that.
At 19/7/06 11:02 PM, Sowjanya said...
Wow LG,
Gr8 Idea.
At 25/7/06 12:39 PM, Anonymous said...
Inspired by ur blog...though I bumped into it just 3 weeks ago, I started a lil "container garden" in my patio.
Well so far, I have lil methi plants ( from Seeds) and lil tomatoes on the plant along with 1 red bell pepper. And I have basil and thyme.
I do have some more pots and was wondering if you may have some tips about wat i cud plant in this mid summer. DO u think coriander wud grow from seeds?
WUd appreciate ur guidance...its my first time gardening and the folks at lowes garden centre aint much help!
At 25/7/06 10:11 PM, RP said...
എല്ജികുട്ടീ, അണ്ണാന് കുഞ്ഞും തന്നാലായത്!! ഇതു സ്വീകരിച്ചാലും. :)
GBPക്കു വേണ്ടി ഒരു വിധത്തിലിതൊപ്പിച്ചു. http://myworksh0p.blogspot.com/2006/07/pan-roasted-potatoes-with-fresh-herbs.html
ഇനി കുറച്ചു പുതിനയില കൂടിയുണ്ട്, എന്നുവെച്ചാ ഒരു പോസ്റ്റിനുകൂടി സ്കോപ്പുണ്ടെന്ന്...പിന്നെ എല്ജീ, ഞാനൊരു ഇഞ്ചികഷണം മുളച്ചുതുടങ്ങിയതു കൊണ്ടുപോയി കുഴിച്ചിട്ടു. ഇഞ്ചി ഉണ്ടാവുമോ ആവോ.
At 26/7/06 1:45 PM, L G said...
Hi Lulu,
Thats great that you started a garden! Wow!
Yes, coriander grows from seeds. Just soak them in water for 4 hours and plant them.
Chilies grow very fast.Try thai chili pepper plants.
No idea where you are located.If then, I could give you more plant lists.
At 30/7/06 9:21 AM, sudha said...
Hey Lg..Your event got a good publicity. I came to know about your event through many blogs. Very good roundup. Here's my mint and marigold plants. Thankyou.
At 31/7/06 1:44 PM, Anonymous said...
Thanks LG for the tips...
You have been a true inspiration...and my methi is doing exceptionally well ( touch wood).
I am not a blogger so cant share my pics...but love ur blog & as u see draw inspiration to cook and now to garden.
At 1/8/06 4:53 AM, jac said...
I too have plenty to contribute as plants from my garden; but what about the cooking part ?
As I dont have any time to cook or not even a speck of talent for experimenting with that... !!!
Do I not resemble an Alice in wonderland ? Will I be a joker here ?
Help ingipenne !
At 10/8/06 12:02 PM, RP said...
Mint-onion chutney for green blog project. Maybe I will submit one more entry. Is there any limit?
At 15/8/06 12:59 PM, Anonymous said...
I;'m new to this blogging thing but I do have some backyard and planning to grow something. I tried planting a tomato plant, but snails came and ate it away :( Do you know any remedy for snails attack in the garden?? (no chemicals will be good)
At 16/8/06 9:40 AM, Inji Pennu said...
Hi Shruti
Here is a search link I did for you. Results have a lot of information
How to get rid of snails
At 16/8/06 11:37 AM, RP said...
My last entry for this summer!
At 16/8/06 9:07 PM, Indira said...
Dear InjiPennu,
From pot to plate ~ Cherry Tomato:Basmati Pulao ~ for your "Green Blog Project".
See you at the recap and thanks!
At 27/8/06 1:42 PM, Anonymous said...
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
» » »
At 3/11/06 7:38 AM, Patricia Roshaven said...
Hi! I love your blog and today have featured it in my blog
(http://www.roshaven.com/blog), called Be An Artist. Besides your recipes, I
love your photos and stories. You are an artist. Will you be making more entries? Patricia Roshaven
At 12/11/06 12:14 PM, sowmya said...
I have a question..
i am amateur with respect to gardening
This is winter now.Can i start planting the seeds for the vegetables ( which you have listed under winter section )...will it grow ?
Such a neat idea. Hope I can participate in this event very soon. Actually I grew mint this winter and it has come out very well. My mother-in-law's advice, add expired tablets to the soil and the plant will flourish. That's what I did and wow the plant has turned out so good.
:) lol.. nice blog inji....:) needed your kanjivellam pic for a project work...(borrowed it without permission.. thnx )
lol... it was a great one.... made me feel nostalgic...lol... and to think ... i still live in kerala...:))
can you tell me what is the name of the pea shown in your blog (green project) 2nd one
Hope you will respond
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