If there is a fruit I could grow in each and every inch in my yard, it would be a sapota or as I call it chikoo tree. I am not sure whether it is scarce in India, but I have never had enough of it.
It is a fruit from Mexico, popularized by Spanish and then by me :-)
A rich source of digestible sugar, the chikoo is rich in protein, fibre and minerals like phosphorus, calcium and iron. Isn’t it funny to know the 'chewing' part of the chewing gum comes from the stem of this tree?
I remember going to a friend’s house, and they serving me with plate full of chikoos. There were some six medium sized ripe fruits. I couldn’t resist and by the time they said, ‘have’, I finished all of them without even thinking it is someone else’s house. Oh, I am still embarrassed about it.
My husband hates it which makes me more than happy since I don’t have to share this with anyone. I have never tried to convert him to a chikoo fan, specifically due to this :-)
A ripe fruit is soft to touch. You just need to part into two, by pressing your fingers on the fruit and slowly opening it up. Scoop out the flesh with your mouth. Mmmmm.
oh i had some lovely lovely sapotas when I was in India...its one of my favorite fruits too :)
I love chikoos too! :) Its not that widely available here. Infact I smell the chickoos when I buy them, my hubby thinks I've lost it!!:)
Ingi sapotas are my favourite too and so is sitaphal!Both these fruits make delicious milkshakes!
Inji when you say it like that I am starting to like it more..
Since I am not in tomorrow, made my post today.
Not a big chikoo fan , so don't have to share it with me either :)
But my Ma loves them
സപ്പോട്ട കാരി കാരി തിന്നാന് നല്ല രസമാ...എന്റെ വീട്ടില് ഒരു വലിയ സപ്പോട്ട മരം ഉന്ടായിരുന്നു..ചൊരിയാന് പുഴു കാരണം വെട്ടി.സപ്പോട്ട milkshake ഉന്ദാക്കാന് അറിയുമോ?
I love sapotas...And we have a small tree back home. My mom was saying over the phone that the tree is laden with ripe sapotas ( the slightly elongated, slightly small, elongated one known as Chakkarakutti in my region) and that there was no one to eat them. If you are anywhere near by, I will ask her to send some to you.. :-)
Hey Inji have put up a protest on my foodcourt here:
This is just to let you know that we are with you and we will be heard!
can u please send me some. i love them especially in a shake...:) and i miss them so much!!!
the best chikoos are from dahanu and gholwad on the gujarat maharashtra border. they have- thin, thin skin. in mumbai you get awesome chickoo barfi. the ones from mexico don't measure up.
Thanks so much for the description of how to tell when the chikoo is ripe - especially the picture. It looks like caramel in fruit form! I just bought some from Tesco, claiming to be ripe, but they are very sour and nothing like the ones you describe. I can't wait for them to ripen now!
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