…the times when I was a little kid, asking the taller ones in the family to get me the small cluster of flowers underneath each crimson cover of a banana blossom, from those tall banana plants…please..daddy..please..one more we will open?
…getting all excited and going from one banana plant to another in search of this honey in the early mornings, the big leaves of the plant wet in yesterday’s rain…
…sucking the honey from its cute little pouches…sucking until my eyes come out, my cheeks become hollow…sucking on my lips to get the last bit of that pure honey…
I remember…home…soaked in honey…
വാഴപ്പൂവുകള്ക്കിത്ര ഭംഗീണ്ടോ, അറിഞ്ഞില്ല. നാട്ടില് ഒരാഴ്ച നിന്നിട്ടും ഒരൊറ്റ പച്ച പോലും തൊടാതെ വന്നവനാ എങ്ങനെ അറിയും :|
Someday, I'll have my reprisal for the memories u resurrected....
I remember sucking out honey from some weed(?) which produced gorgeous multi colored flowers.....the butterflies thronging the plant was a dead give-away :)
Oh my...we use banana flower in Bengali cooking too but never sucked honey from them
Do you have a whole tropical garden out here or what ?
i have never tried that but i do remember sucking the nectar from a white multiclustered flower. no idea of the name!
enikkippo nattil ponam. :(
എനിക്കും :-(
No banana plants where I grew up, but we used to suck a drop of sweet nectar from purple clover, and believe me, it was truly a drop from each tiny petal. Seemed like a lot back then when life was that sweet in so many innocent ways. You just reminded me of my nana and summers on the Cape, Inji, and I needed that tonight.
I guess some things are universal.
Thank you :)
Why do you have to do this to us, honey?
ഞാനും അനിയത്തിയും കൂടെ വിടര്ന്ന ഇതല് പറിക്കാന് ശ്രമിച്ചാപ്പോള് വഴ തന്നെ ഒടിഞുപോയി..ആതു കുത്തി പൊക്കാന് പണിപ്പേട്ടത് മറക്കാന് പറ്റില്ല..ആതോടെ തേന് കുടിക്കന് വഴക്കുബില് തൂങുന്ന പതിവ് നിര്ത്തി...
Inji that light honey has a different taste..
I thought I've eaten all parts of banana and the plant, but obviously I've missed one... honey.
Honey in its purest form....lovely how you described it. :)
Oh, I've sucked honey from chetti poo... just a miniscule lil drop but heavenly feeling! And :) I'm growing that plant in my balony right now!!!
സുന്ദരം.. മനോഹരം!!
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