There might be one new wife out there, a new student out there missing home and mama terribly, frantically looking and searching and thinking what to do with this whole cabbage he or she just bought it from the shop. She/he would have tasted the cabbage thoran umpteen times, but never thought of cooking it until now. These simple recipes, as simple as they might seem, always are a help to the new little chefs out there.
I always encourage people to blog about these simple dishes which we normally don’t get in restaurants and it doesn’t matter if there is a hundred posts about the same cabbage. That’s what blogs are all about. No matter how many homes you visit or no matter how many times you eat the same food, each time, each home makes it a little different. To me, food blogs are a celebration of that to be precise.
That’s why food blogging is so much fun. You create, you serve the food at home and then you share the experience with your virtual friends. Sharing is the most beautiful thing in this World.
I have never been able to replicate my moms cabbage dicing. She makes small cuts like tak tak tak and then dices it very thin. I have never been able to do that, so I cut off a seven inch large piece and then dice it small like I do with onions.
For 4 cups of diced cabbage,
Heat 2 tsp oil, splutter 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, sauté 1 red chili split, 1 sprig of curry leaves, add 3 tsp of whole urad dal until light brown and add ½ cup diced onion and sauté well until the onion is translucent.
Add ¼ tsp turmeric powder and add the diced cabbage and lower the heat to minimum. Add salt and mix well and cover tightly and cook for 10 minutes.
Coarse grind 3 pods of garlic and ½ cup of grated coconut, 4 green chilies and ½ tsp cumin seeds. Keep this mixture in the middle of the cabbage and then cover the mixture with the cabbage.
Cook closed for another 10 minutes in low flame. Mix well and sauté until dry.
Inji, congratulations! The yesterday's event generated grand response and it's all because of your effort, courage and strength. Thanks!
Cabbage thoran is one of my favorite comforting curry. I usually use mandoline to chop cabbage into thin strips.
Did you dice the cabbage after slicing it. You only showed us the picture where you sliced does it mean we dice it after we slice it?
hi dear dear inji,
u r indeed right , u have to post those simple curries as well . it reminded me of my first cooking attempt of cabbage thoran after marriage coming to a foreign land . eventhough its simplest of all mine was a flop
hey i am a great fan of urs . hope u r protest will see some results .
മലയാളത്തില് കമന്റിയാല് ക്ഷമിക്കുമൊ?
ഇഞ്ച്യുണ്ണിയുടെ ഒരു നല്ല കമന്റു കേട്ടിട്ട് കുറച്ചു ദിവസമായല്ലോന്നു വിഷമിച്ചിരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.
ക്യാബേജരിയുന്ന തിരിക്കിലായിരുന്നൊ :)
ഇങ്ങനെ പടം കാണിച്ചു കൊതിപ്പിക്കാതെ ഇവിടെ വന്നു സ്വാദായിട്ടു വല്ലതും ഉണ്ടാക്കി തരുമോ? പകരം മഞ്ഞപ്പം ചുടാന് കൂട്ടാം.
don't give people funny ideas, inji.
if you buy cabbage from the shop, you return it to the shop.
the only way i can tolerate cabbage is raw (as in cole slaw). when you cook it, it has a funny smell. j will love your recipe, though.
bee the cabbage hater.
Inji totally with you regarding the first few paras.
While blogging my mundane recipes that is what I think too, there is someone out there who is just making a beginning maybe.
First time commenting here...thanks for the motiviating words about posting simple recipes - incidentally, I love cabbage/broccoli/brussel sprouts - and don't understand it when people talk about the stink of cooked cruiciferous...yes, I am a little weird ;)
Indira dear, it is cos of everybody I guess it became a grand success. We will see what will happen.
Yes Chand, Slice it first and the dice it. Sorry for not putting that pic.
Dear anony, thanks for your kind words:)
നിര്മ്മലേടത്തിയേ, ഏ, ക്ഷമിക്കണ പ്രശ്നമില്ല. ക്ഷമിക്കണോങ്കി നിര്മ്മലേടത്തി എഴുതിയ ആ ബുക്കൊക്കെ എനിക്ക് ആയ്ച്ചു തന്നാല് വേണോങ്കി ഇച്ചിരെ ക്ഷമിക്കാം.:). ഇങ്ങോട്ട് ബായൊ ആ തണുപ്പത്ത് ഇരിക്കാണ്ട്, ഇവിടെ 80 ആണ് ടെമ്പറെച്ചര്.ഹിഹിഹി. ഇങ്ങോട്ട് വന്നാല് എല്ലാം വെച്ച് തരാം:)
beee, what small? cabbage has funny smell? you need to see a nose technician ;) .If you cook it like this, there wont be any funny smell actually. try it na?
sandeepa, yes yes so true. Okay, it is not cos I dont know how to cook complex dishes, okay? hehehehe
@ - dont worry, you have company in the weird department :) :)
makes small cuts like tak tak tak
This can be done at the time of eating. But be allert of the usage of pesticides & bordo mixture within the cabbage which is harmfull to health. Purchase that cabbage with one or two live pests.
പെണ്ണുങ്ങള്ക്ക് മാത്രമല്ല എന്നെപ്പോലുള്ളവക്കും ചെറിയ പാചകങ്ങളൊക്കെ അറിയാം. (ഒരു തമാസ അല്ല കേട്ടോ)
Hi Inji, I have read alot of these cabbage recipes and eventually just tossed some things in a pan and started cooking one too. You're right -- doesn't matter if there are 100 versions... someone will appreciate it and I'm one who appreciates it! I will try this your way, too -- looks delish.
Yes,U are correct for people who are new in cooking need this type of recipes,they prefer to do simple dishes ..In my case the first thing I cooked is cabbage thoran, that time I got confused and made that in my own style..."put all the ingerdients together in the oil,cook in a low fire".Thanks for sharing..
Inji, I admire your effort to post simple dishes like thorans and mizhakkupurattis. Yes, they are indeed a boon to first -timers in the kitchen.:)
so simple to make and i bet it must be very tasty as wel.looking at those wonderful snaps, i can imagine the taste!!!
great going!!!
Appreciate your effort to post simple recipes. It really helps where new brides try to please their husbands with their little knowledge about cooking. good injii...u r inspiring me ..he.he
I am following your footsteps inji. ;) Will be blogging simple recipes from now on.
I too use a mandoline to slice the cabbage thinly, and then dice using a knife. tak tak tak
ha ha! so u also blogged abt the simple thorans! i cut my cabbage inside out though to get it thin. and it looks green.
wasn't the interest generated by our protest awesome? did u get any mails from yahoo?
Hello :) I was reading ur "naalukettu" for last 2 hrs !! It was all random picks and I enjoyed each one.... u have a style that's been very familiar with..something which I read in weekly magazines...something which I read in newspapers..very strong language too....U re a good writer :)
Inji finally yahoo did apologise,the least they can do now!It was wonderful that we all stuck together for the cause.
Congrats, read about Yahoo apologizing. We did it !!!
ആ ചൂടിലിരുന്ന് ചുക്കായിപ്പോവല്ലെ ഇഞ്ച്യേ! വിലാസം അയച്ചു തന്നാല് ( ഞാനോ പുസ്തകമോ വൈകാതെ അവിടെ എത്തും.
WE WIN WE WIN WE WINNNNN --- Ohhh I am sooooo happy !!!!!!!!!
Inji - just got the wonderful news that Yahoo has apologized. Special thanks to you and Surya Gaythri for organizing the protest. Yeah!
Even though its a simple dish its a staple at my house. I wish I could cut cabbage as thin as yours.
I always make thoran in kerala style. Brings out the real taste of cabbage and beans.
Hi Inji,
loved your post about cabbage thoran. My hubby was making fun of me when I was planning to blog it. For a while even I became little hesitantto post it. Your words gave me the courage to put mine . Thanks again.
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