I love bowls in all shapes and sizes. I couldn’t take my eyes off these little cuties in different colours and sizes, 8 of them in one box. They are microwavable and dishwasher safe. "Phhoom", they disappeared from their display shelf and appeared on my cart.
Rainbow bowls - $ 16.75
Watching a rainbow - Bliss
Getting a picture like this with my sorry camera - Priceless.

Bowls are from Pottery Barn, sorry poor man's pottery barn a.k.a. Wal-mart. :)
1 comment:
At 19/6/06 4:08 PM, Vineela said...
Hi LG,
Rainbow bowls looks nice.
At 19/6/06 5:04 PM, Krithika said...
Love your sense of humour ! Bowls look really nice.
At 19/6/06 5:06 PM, Shankari said...
Great looking bowls. When we were moving, we had about 10 boxes or more of kitechen stuff, so R has strictly told me no more... :( I will sneak into buying some later on...
At 19/6/06 5:24 PM, archanat said...
Very nice buy LG,Money well spend. Just like i end up doing all the time, ha..ha..ha..
At 19/6/06 5:45 PM, Anonymous said...
The bowls look good. I have a query..I have planted some tomato and eggplant plants but I think the ants are eating the leaves..there are holes in the leaves though I don't see any ants around..can you please let me know what I can do..sorry for the long post...thanks in advance.
At 19/6/06 7:24 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
LG: those bowls look ideal for kanji and payaru thoran... I will take the blue colour one..extra mango pickle too..
At 19/6/06 7:54 PM, RP said...
That is a beautiful name you gave to Walmart! It is my favorite place to shop at. The bowls are so beautiful. What are you going to use it for? Salad bowls? Mixing? Serving? Just curious. :)
At 19/6/06 9:40 PM, Linda said...
Very pretty LG! I have never seen such nice bowls at our Walmart. Look forward to seeing them in your photos :)
At 19/6/06 10:20 PM, Anonymous said...
LG Enikkum venam rainbow bowls...
For Anusha..It's easy to get rid of ants here ..Just put a post-it saying 'Ants, Don't eat Plants' or something like that...
If not http://www.gardenseeker.com/ants.htm
At 19/6/06 10:44 PM, sudhav said...
Thats a lovely collection lg..nice name to walmart..the moment i take the cart vinodh never forgets to tell, dont enter the bakeware, utensils section.The bowls, the dinnerware ha..the collections are so good.that one cant resist buying them..:-)
At 20/6/06 3:03 AM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Lovely bowls LG,good you bought them different bowls of different sizes!Maybe time for a new set for me too!
At 20/6/06 9:36 AM, jac said...
The caption, "Rainbow" for the bowl is cute.
At 20/6/06 6:11 PM, starry nights said...
Those are nice looking bowls.
At 20/6/06 10:43 PM, Nandita said...
That is lovely, i love colourful crockery as well, and completely mismatched stuff at that-
You;ve been tagged dear friend-but fret not-this one is fast to write and good to read: http://www.inblogs.net/saffrontrail/2006/06/confessions-in-groups-of-five-meme.html
At 21/6/06 5:26 AM, The Bhandari's said...
wow , wish I too have them in my kitchen, hmm I'll go look around and I guess will definitly find their replica :P
At 21/6/06 4:05 PM, L G said...
vineela,krithika - thanks :)
shankari - so, all women faces the same problems,eh?
archana: hehe :)
anusha: Are you sure they are ants,if you dont see any ants,then it might not be ants. Inspect under the leaves and see whether they have any small worms. If any, pinch off the leave. Also,give the plants a thorough shower in the morning.
Sarah: :-) of course! help yourself.
rp: you can probably see their roles in my pics :)
linda,thanks :)
anonymous, guess you didnt leave your name? Then how will i give them?
sudhav: yes, same problem here too! :)
sumitha, Ah! I dont want to create any crisis in households,now.
jac, thanks:)
starrynights,thanks :)
nandita, ah,another one! I am yet to do the mom meme,I am so lazy.
bhandaris, oh God! I dont want an army of husbands coming after me,
since their women have gone to Wal-mart to buy bowls.
At 22/6/06 6:44 AM, Puspha said...
Very beautiful!!!
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