I am not sure whether it is a fact, but I have heard pineapple plants attract snakes. When I mentioned this to a pineapple farmer, he got furious and told me it is a myth! Since pineapple plants have spikes or thorns, he asks me how snakes can crawl into that? I don’t know.They are so pretty and I would love to grow them in my yard but that tid-bit makes me a little scared.
Anyway, one thing I know is that, when pineapples get cheaper, it is time to make some pineapple pulisseri.

Lower heat to the minimum, add lightly mashed 2 cups of sour curd (Not Yogurt, the Indian curd. Curd should be very sour for the pulisseri. If you add store bought yogurt you get in U.S, it won’t taste like pulisseri at all). Mix gently for 3 minutes. Remove from fire. It is important to take off from heat, otherwise curd will curdle.

Pulisseri's like these, with mango and pineapple creates a taste explosion, you will never forget. The sweetness and the sourness join to create a unique magic in your mouth.
After I finished clicking the pictures and saved the write up in draft in my blog, I blog hopped and found that my dear Sarah had already read my mind! I don’t know why, but we both sometimes end up cooking the same dishes.
At 14/6/06 9:25 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
it is absolutely funny.. I have never ever met LG.. yet we both think alike across the blog world..and between you and me, I will tell you a secret..shhh I envy her green thumb and I too decided much to well heeled advice.. I planted a bean!!
At 14/6/06 9:40 PM, Garam Masala said...
I love reading your little anecdotes before each recipe, L.G. You had me nodding with the "not yogurt... curd" statement :)
At 14/6/06 10:11 PM, Linda said...
LG, talk about reading minds... I was linking you to a growing comment earlier tonight, and here you are growing something new. :)
Pineapple Pulisseri looks great! I loved RP's mango version, will definitely try yours soon.
At 15/6/06 12:23 AM, archanat said...
Super good !!!! I love the 2nd pic so much, so very inviting. I visited Sarah's blog couple of minutes ago. Ningalentha poorva janmathil separated ayippoya twins ano ?????
At 15/6/06 3:30 AM, Sumitha Shibu said...
I can sitting here feel the smell and tate of that pulisseri,I love eating this even with rice and also eat it like a dessert when cold.
I too saw Sarahs Pineapple pachadi recipe few days back,have to try these two recipes soon!
At 15/6/06 8:26 AM, Krithika said...
This is a very good recipe. Is there a reason why you add yogurt, oops curd at the end and not mix curd with coconut paste and add it to pineapple ?
At 15/6/06 11:44 AM, RP said...
I have heard it too, that pineapple plants attract snakes. So you are scared of snakes too. :) Visit Manisha's blog if you want a good scare.
How do you make the Indian curd? I do make curd at home, but I use a few tbsp of american yogurt as the culture. So the end result would be curd or yogurt? I don't know.
Pineapple pulisseri looks great.
At 15/6/06 2:20 PM, Nabeela said...
hey LG, I tagged you for the 10 dishes I miss kost ofmy mom's cooking meme....please do play!
At 15/6/06 2:20 PM, sudhav said...
Lg, my elder sis used to make these pulisseri, they tast heavnly..thanks so much for sharing this..Now im going to try this weekend..thank you once again
At 15/6/06 2:23 PM, sudhav said...
Lg, thank you for clearing out my doubt as to where to get the puff pastry sheets.i will look for them during my next visit..
At 15/6/06 5:00 PM, L G said...
Sarah, I think like spicy arachana said,maybe we are long lost twins. and our parents are amitabh bachan and Rekha just like we see in hindi movies :-)) .I am the evil twin and you are the nice twin.
Sarah, really did you plant something? Wow!!!! Please let me know if you need any help. I want to see your entry in GBP! maranam vare samaram cheyyum!!
garam masala , thanks :) yes! if you make pulisseri with 'yogurt' it tastes very bland.
linda, thanks for linking me :)
archana, i think yes :). hehehehe
i was hesistant to post this,since my twin had posted it. then she didnt have pics,so posted it anyways.
sumitha: yes, normally i finish up half the pulisseri before it is lunch time. :)
krithika, the coconut should boil first, but the curd should not boil.thats why.
rp, yyikess!!! that was scary!! adi medikkum ini if you give links like that :-) btw, thanks, i never saw that blog earlier. looks like a good blog.
nabeela, thanks :) i think Garam Masala tagged me too . Looks like a great idea! Let me see what I can do.
sudhav, you are welcome :)
At 15/6/06 6:55 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
Lg: you just reminded me of the Hema malini movie.. Sita aur Gita.. I was trying to imgine, you hanging on the ceiling fan and doing few flying kick and all, just like Hema Malini did.. I like the papa to be Raj Kapoor though.. He is the only hindi actor I never fell in love with!!!
and yes much to my daughter's pleading.. mama don't kill the bean.. it deserve to be in the soup.. I planted it..so far we saw 4 lovely leaves..let us see, if it will survive under my love and care..( I am so tempted to pull the plant out of the pot and see how big the root is!!)
At 15/6/06 9:58 PM, Priya Bhaskaran said...
Hey lg,I have tagged you for the 10 things I miss about my mom's cooking.... do take part in it:)
At 15/6/06 11:57 PM, jac said...
This pulessery is yummy and a bit sweet, I know.
At 16/6/06 7:36 AM, Ramya said...
Thanks for visiting my blog and comments.
At 16/6/06 11:45 AM, Gini said...
LG, I never had pineapple pulisseri before. Thanks to you I might try it.
You are tormenting me with all these wonderful food.
At 16/6/06 12:40 PM, Vineela said...
Hi Lg,
I tagged you for meme.Hope you will enjoy dooing it ,lG.
At 16/6/06 2:16 PM, Vineela said...
Hi LG,
i tried yday and posted comment but i dont know some pblm with blogger i think.Today again i placing comment,LG.
you are always invited with your garden ,lg
At 16/6/06 5:34 PM, Ashwini said...
Hey LG I am learning so many new Kerala dishes bcoz of you. We have something called sasam made of pineapple, grapes, mango or whatever you wish to add...and the pulisseri sounds similar. cept we dont add yogurt (gasp did I say that? sorry dont kill me ..I meant CURD) :-)
At 17/6/06 3:06 AM, indianadoc said...
Pullissery assalayi.Choru ichiri koodi venam!Blogger telepathy seems to be growing large in the blogosphere!!
At 19/6/06 7:39 AM, sailaja said...
I have quite a few pineapples waiting to be devoured and your recipe is just the one I need right now. Lovely pics.
At 22/6/06 2:41 AM, tilo said...
How do you make sour Indian curd in the US though?
At 22/6/06 8:09 PM, L G said...
tilo, i think u can get the sour curd culture in Indian stores or from indian frnds and then make the curd at home.
At 23/6/06 2:00 PM, Anonymous said...
Nice Recipe, something new......
Also Check this out for Indian Cheese cake...
Thanks or sharing a mouth-watering recipe!! I tried it a few times already ;p
I must do it.
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