Another shot of mature pepperWhat do I do with them? Make Mulaku Baji or Batter Fried Banana Pepper.
Somehow Mulaku Bajis remind of Bangalore street food. Hot bajis in oil, multitude of English accents, pretty young girls and boys on motor bikes displaying the latest trends, lots of loud laughter and a feeling of new and vibrant India in the air.
Make cuts on banana pepper without splitting the ends and the head. For 5 chilis, make a very thick paste with 1 cup of besan flour,1/4 tsp of turmeric powder; grind one inch of ginger and 3 tsp of onion, 1 spring of curry leaves diced very thin. Banana Peppers are not that hot, so if you need extra hotness, add 1 tsp of chili powder. Add a pinch of baking soda. Add enough salt and mix everything together.

At 26/6/06 10:19 PM, Immigrant in Canada said...
Oh my goodness.. Lg.. Chilli bhaji.. I studied medicine in Bangalore and looked forward to my rural postings.. so I could go to villages and eat Chilli bhaji on the pretext of health survey/camp/whatever... I didn't know they put ginger in the batter..apart from chickpea flour,mine only has chilli powder and LG kayam..
At 27/6/06 2:39 AM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Bajji,yum!And more yummier when you have handpicked the chilli!
At 27/6/06 2:56 AM, indianadoc said...
God! I'm drooling here...Awesome snap...I showed my husband too...cos this is his favourite and this is one item that he often asks me to make, especially when I make lemon rice and if the weather is a bit too cold!!...He used to call it 'hittumenshinkay bajji'..(I add a little bit cumin powder and asafoetida into the batter-my MIL's tip)It is raining here and cold too...Enikkum venam bajji!!
At 27/6/06 7:52 AM, Krithika said...
Chilli bajji using banana pepper from your yard ? LG, I cannot take this anymore :-( Could you please post a picture of your thumb :-)
At 27/6/06 7:57 AM, RP said...
Yeah, what is the color of your thumb? I am gonna paint my thumb with green paint, and try some gardening.
At 27/6/06 8:27 AM, archanat said...
LG, Fantastic job, is there anything that wouldn't grow in your garden? My baji recipe is just the same as Sarah's, will try with ginger sometime.
At 27/6/06 11:13 AM, shilpa said...
Wow..You are lucky to have such a nice yard. I wish I had one and I could grow those fabulous looking peppers.
Can I get one baji please? Its been many days I hhaven't tasted them. Last time I tried them with Jalapenos and they tasted horrible :(. Since jalapeno skin is too thick.
At 27/6/06 1:57 PM, Vineela said...
Hi LG,
Let me find out on google any sightseeing places near by your house.I will end my trip by seeing (your) L.GarDEN ON MY RETURN by eating those yummy bajjis sitting around pudina plants.
At 27/6/06 7:45 PM, Linda said...
Hi LG,
You really do have the magic green thumb - and the bajjis look so yummy. I will have to dig out my wok for some deep-frying fun soon... watermelon drink looks awesome too! Thank you for the recipes.
At 27/6/06 8:15 PM, Gini said...
Adichupolikkuka anallo! Those green peppers look awesome. The peppers I planted look stunted and no signs of it bearing any fruit. But atleast I can enjoy yours.
At 27/6/06 8:18 PM, KavithaSenthil said...
I love ur blog and browse it now and then. Sorry for my view. today...i was happyly cing the flowers of the pepper, next stage,next stage and felt bad after cing soaking in the batter and fried :(
Felt like killing a pet after it matured.
Really sorry.. this is what i felt.
At 28/6/06 10:19 AM, L G said...
Sarah, Yes...Chili Baji is full of wonderful memories. I havent tried with kaayam.
Sumitha, thanks :)
Shynee, orennam edutholloo.. will try your version next time. is that kannadiga for baji?
krithika, haha. actually chilies are very easy to grow.
rp, hehe..onnu poo ente rp kutti..
chilies are very very easy to grow.
archana, ayyoo there are lots of stuff that I want to grow but it refuses to grow.
shilpa, you get banana peppers everywhere in american grocery stores. You can grow this in a patio in a pot. They are very easy to grow.
vineela, hehehe.. you are most welcome.
linda, actually if you pair bajis with cold water melon juice,it would be heavenly!
gini, oh! enna parayaana. actually these are very easy to grow peppers. try these.
kavitha, oh! dont worry! if we think like that, we would have to go hungry :) So, dont be hungry, be full! :)
hhmm yummy yummy! enikkippo venam .
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