My guests have not yet left and I wish I had 10 hands. Don’t mistake me, I love to entertain and to have lot of guests at home. But with guests, your routine revolves around them and even a simple breakfast gets too complicated with choices.
I missed the JFI this time too, but didn’t want to miss this simple and wonderful event hosted by dear Mythili - Mistress of Spices.
I was thinking to write about black pepper, but was pretty sure there will be couple of posts about it. So, wanted to blog about something simple, yet different and to break some rules ;-). So, next on my list, my favorite…Onion.

Agreed onion is not ‘technically’ considered a spice in Indian terms, but the dictionary definition of spice qualifies onion also. I didn’t know ginger and garlic were spices too. But they are considered spices in this part of the World, so onion is a spice/condiment too. I mean without onions can you imagine any tasty food? (I hope I am not disqualified, maybe I will bribe Mythili) :-)
Now, the story of how Onions spice up my life and maybe yours too…Onion seems like a harmless vegetable, but once you start peeling them, you will know how fiery it can be. There is no other vegetable that makes you cry…out of love of course!

Now on to some serious stuff:Each link below points to different sources.Onion is savaala in Malayalam, venkaayam in Tamil, and piyaaz in Hindi
I didnt write the generic, botanical, latin, german, klingon names...I mean if I can't pronounce it,why write it? :)(From comments: Generic Name for Onion in Malayalam is Ulli, Big Onion is Savaala, which is derived from Spanish word Sabola. I wrote savaala since the picture showed savaala and generally I have heard my folks and friends call shallots ulli and savaala for big Onion and all other Onions. Thank you!)
Onion is grown everywhere in this World and is a cool season vegetable. It was cultivated as early as 5000 BC. Excerpt from the link: In addition, the onion was useful for sustaining human life. Onions prevented thirst and could be dried and preserved for later consumption when food might be scarce.
There are many Onion varieties available. Ranging from the tiny shallots which are extremely powerful in its medicinal properties to the sweet Vidalia, cultivated only in Georgia, U.S.A.Onion can be eaten raw and also cooked, grilled, roasted, juiced, mashed to a paste, even dried and can be stored in dry powdered form. It is the base for many wonderful sauces and gives you the ‘oomph’ in your dishes. However if you eat them raw, you might lose your friends :-)
Onion is great in improving your circulation and has many more medicinal properties. My mom would use a lot of onion in her dishes reminding us, “This is good for the heart”. She uses so much onion in her curries, sometimes I even mistake many of her dishes as onion curry with so many pieces floating on top. I do think she was solely responsible for creating that onion scarcity one time in India, which even pulled down a Government!
Also did you know, Onion is good for lustrous hair? My grand-mom used to prepare special hair oil with shallots and pepper. My mom never learned the recipe (great!) and she has lustrous hair but not us!
Lastly, Onion mixed with other herbs is an excellent insect/pest controller to spray on your plants. You can sow onion seeds, near your other vegetables plants to wade off insects; pests etc since they can’t stand the smell.
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