Apr 28, 2008

$29.84 - My next bill

My next stop was Wal-mart for the non-Indian things. Buying Indian ingredients is much cheaper in local Indian stores than the usual stores. After posting about the event, I am a little surprised since even though I said I would do my normal shopping, I am a little cautious I believe. Usually my bills at Wal-mart would be 40$ or so and at Indian stores around 30$. But I already see a difference in the way I shop.

One thing I have noticed is prices are different at different Wal-marts. It depends on the area. If you go to low income living areas, the prices are much cheaper. Anyway I went to the store near my place, will do the comparison next week to be sure.

I have some milk and eggs left over from last week, so it looks like I might not need to buy milk this week. I bought some pear, lime, tomatoes, ice cream, mussels, pineapple, shallots...the ususal stuff. So this is my week’s purchase. I dont go with any planning, since most of the times I just pick up stuff I see and plan only when I see the stuff.

See you with the next one.

Wondering what in the world is going on? Read this please.


notyet100 said...

hi u toldu willbe shoppin every saturday...me tryin tostick to saturday shopping...lets cee whetehr i stick to it ornot//

Inji Pennu said...

haha notyet100! I didnt get time this Sat and Sunday. I do all this on Saturday, thats all.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your post as i too am trying to reduce my grocery i buy too much then have to hurry and cook so it doesnt get spoilt. What kind of mussels did u buy at walmart? Are they good ??You have a nice blog here keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

back to your blog after a long break and i find such an interesting topic. a suggestion for you: could you please highlight how many people you are cooking for, or if you have privacy issues in divulging such info, then how about the number of meals you are cooking for the grocery you buy that week. For e.g. if you cook once for dinner for 2 people and the leftovers for next day for lunch for one person, that makes 3 meals.

TNL said...

cool post Inji.....aah..I do miss the good ol' Publix in Tampa, and all the Indian stores there too...too bad i don't have that luxury here in NL to go Indian shopping. We don't even have Walmart supercentres here. :(

You should see my grocery bills.

Inji Pennu said...

I get the NZ ones. They are good. Not as good as fresh tho.