Yesterday I got a small supply of vegetables from the first Indian store. These vegetables would last me for 2-3 days. Total bill comes to $16.34
Now I have got to buy milk, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, frozen coconut etc from other stores.

As others said we all waste a lot of food. I never used to know how to plan it properly. My mom is super efficient in it, she won’t waste even a small inch of a carrot.
I always used to buy in piles to last for 2-3 weeks as if it is war time and there will always be spoilage. Especially since in U.S, you don’t get vegetables that fresh. So a quarter of it always goes to the waste bin. My husband hates to see me wasting stuff like that, so I cleverly put the spoilt vegetables when he is not there and cover it up nicely with newspapers :)
After some time, I started to realize it and now I don’t buy vegetables for more than a week. One advantage I have is, most of the stores are nearby so I can buy on my way to work or so. This method has taken care of a lot of food wastage, which is the first step towards having a good budget for your grocery.
In India, we are lucky; we get fresh vegetables daily, and that too brought by street vendors to your own homes. You don’t have to store anything and this saves a lot of food wastage. You have to only plan for two days at the most.
One thing I noticed is planting your own herbs is a big money saver. Herbs costs a lot in U.S. I have curry leaf plants, mint etc. so that’s taken care of.
See you with the next bill. Do share your experiences on your blog or with comments. Thank you. Let us all learn together.
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Your right, Inji, in India we are lucky to be able to buy fresh vegetables every single day and we don't have to plan beyond 2-3 days. As I was reading your post, I have realized how much I have taken for granted my grocery shopping experience and how lucky we are to be able to buy fresh vegetables every single day from rythu bazaars (farmers markets run by the Govt of A.P). The issue of food wastage or throwing food into the garbage can (be it excess vegetables or cooked food) doesn't arise as almost every home has domestic help (maids/drivers) that are served food (other than wages) and left overs are taken home to feed their families.
hi my first round of shopping on saturday was of 5.80cent as i had enough veggies at home i just got chicken,,,which i cooked today,..planning to shop for next grocery batch on next saturday ,..i just hope i succeed,..thanks for such a nice event
I always tend to overspend while grocery shopping. I keep meaning to leave my credit cards behind and carrying only a fixed amount of cash while shopping. That way I'd stay within my budget. I don't know why I have not yet implememted this myself though I am so smart! ;-)
hi inji, we try to make a list every weekend and go for shopping groceries togeher only once so we can keep track of expenses and fuel expended to buy the groceries. If we shop at the farmers market our veggies alone comes to 30-40$. I try to chop up any remaining veggies before grocery shopping and freeze them or make a catchall item like soup or pulao. I still end up with some wastage! Initially after marriage I used to cook too much, since I had no idea of quantities, ive gotten better now. Sorry for the long comment. I will keep tuning in to your grocery tracking!
this is such a brilliant idea..:)
Superb inji. You even scanned the bill. I am soo tempted to follow suit. Farmers markets are a great way to buy fresh produce for a week. But again i tend to overbuy.
Farmers market isalso cheaper.
I too waste a lot..but now i have made it in control by planning how many dishes iam going to do with that vegetable's. i too do the same way of disposing veggie's without my hubby's knowledge...
I either decide what to buy before hitting the store or buy 3-4 kinds of vegetables and plan the week's menu every Sunday. I plan lunch as well as dinner for the next week and put it on the refrigerator. We have a mexican grocery here called Produce Junction, where you can also get Indian vegetables, but the quantity is very big but the prices are low. So planning is the only way to avoid wastage. Moreover because of planning, I'm not confused early in the morning what to cook and no vegetables go unnoticed because I know what is in the fridge and what to cook when.
I also grow herbs, which is cost effective and makes me very happy. I have a well-stocked pantry (rice, dals, pasta, etc), so all I need to buy usually is fruit/veg and the occasional meat splurge. I buy enough veg for 3-4 days and I am lucky to live in northern CA where the produce is excellent and fresh. Every 3-4 days I top it off with a few more veg at farmers markets or several excellent local shops. It's really fairly inexpensive except for the weeks I eat meat or lots of cheese, or decide to bake treats for some event. Normal food budget is $40/wk for one person. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Menu planning is key. When I plan I spend less than when I impulse buy.
Hi Inji,
Came over here from Mahanandi.. lovely blog and a great idea! :)
I was reading many posts and the mention of u growing curry leaves caught my eye.. can you please let me know how you do that? Are there nurseries in the US that sell them? If so, what is the name that I have to ask for? I live in CA..
Thank you in advance..
Best Wishes,
hi madam...i was just spending time reading articles in google, some recipies and in between came to your blog...i just sit and read a lot of your posts and was so happy and felt as if reading a letter that came from home...its so good and your way of expressing made me feel nostalgic...wishing you good luck...didnt felt to leave the blog without writing something to you...bye. Reji.
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