Now, when a friend gave me the recipe of Olan (a must dish in Onam Sadya), I thought she was kidding. How can an exquisite dish have a recipe so simple? I had never tasted Olan before and have never even seen it during my childhood years. Only later when I moved out of home, I got introduced to this wonderful dish.
It is a simple recipe yet so royal, which reminds me of the traditional Kerala Kasavu Sarees. Plain cream colored sarees with a small zari border, they look so simple yet when you wear it, it looks royal. Somehow Olan reminds of this.
You can make Olan using Ash gourd, young green Pumpkin.
I am not sure one can make it using young green Papaya. Anyway I tried it and it tastes the same as you cook it with Ashgourd. I normally make it with Ashgroud, but this time I made it with young papaya.
Papaya needs to be peeled, the seeds removed and cleaned, then cut into small pieces.
Red moong beans – 1 cup (pressure cooked, should not lose its shape)
Now, cook papaya with 6 green chilies split, 1 sprig of curry leaves, and ½ tsp of cumin powder in 2 cups of water. Simmer and let the water evaporate completely.
When done and the papaya turns soft, add 2 cups of fresh coconut milk and the cooked red moong beans. Cook for another 5 or 6 minutes with open lid. Olan shoud not be watery.
Take from stove and add 2 tsp of coconut oil and mix. (Yes, if you ask me coconut oil is a must.) That’s it.
Now, for some updates. We all know about Yahoo India stealing contents from individual blogs. Concerned parties send an email to Yahoo (U.S) office and those emails were forwarded to Yahoo India. No reply yet! But the funny thing is those contents were removed from the site silently. That means they are sure they committed the violation.
However, I do think they ought to put an apology on Yahoo site. A silent removal is not accepted. Since, the main thing is we all cannot always go behind each and every person and it is a big headache. This time, Yahoo has done it and if they put an apology it will be a lesson to future violators.
What you can do? Please do send emails from your company address, especially if you have a good company name like Microsoft, Intel, Google etc. For this matter to be taken urgently and to get noticed since your company email id gives the complaints validity.
Please do send emails to Mary Osako (, Linda Du ( You can get more email address from here
Thank you again all for the support.
Love the recipe,great color too.Thanks Inji for the royal dish.
Hello Inji! I'm happy to hear at least of movement on the Yahoo issue -- movement is better than nothing, and hopefully will get you somewhere eventually :)
Now the olan... it looks grand indeed! This is recipe #2 of yours with red moong bean. That's next on my list for the dal jars, I can see. Thanks for sharing it, and the links about the sarees -- just beautiful.
I love olan! Its really a royal dish!
Thanks for the update, inji. Couldn't complete reading the comments at Suvechi's blog yet. I agree, they owe an matter what.
Olan is simply great! I have never tried it. I have a recipe in my files, but I think it calls for black eyes beans.
Olan looks great. Great idea to use papaya.
Yes ... Yahoo owes big apology. I am going to send an e-mail right away.
Hi:) Olan looks perfect.Using papaya was a new info though !
Hi Inji!
I only discovered this site today from a comment you left on IFR. I'm glad you're back to blogging. I missed your humorous take on the world :)
And I just noticed that you cooked my Hyderabadi Biryani too...I'm glad you liked it. It certainly looks yummy in the picture!
Olan with papaya is a woundeful idea,I made the same curry with potato..Can I call that Olan..
Happy to hear the movement of Yahoo!!I am also going to send an email immediately!
i love olan, but have never tasted it with papaya. thanks for posting.
- bee
Inji - Olan looks delicious, but what are red moon beans and where can I get it?
Glad to know that Yahoo has started responding at least to the complaints. Will follow up on your e-mail.
I am a late comer here,
But read the new post. Let me try this on next sunday. Thanks.
Devadas Alias Lonappan
hi inji,
there's a much simpler olan, which i'd like to call THE authentic version. Know what ? It really has no recipe, just like so many Kerala dishes. The recipe is deceptively simple. Just cook and cook and cook ash gourd. A little salt is added. A dash of coconut oil in the end.
It is easy to say cook, cook and cook. The trick is to know for how long and when the smell tells you it is done.
During big sadya-s, the olan used to be put on stove (aduppil kayattuka), before all other dishes, and left in the huge vaarpu over a low fire to cook slowly. It was the last dish to be taken down from the stove. It was not even taken down, but served right from the hot stove.
When you get new recipes of Kerala dishes, could you also try to find out from which part of Kerala it comes from ? My favourite subject is the regional variations in Kerala cuisine.
Hi Injipennu
Thanks fopr sharing this wonderful Onam Sadhya dish. I generally like to cook different cusine and gonna try this Olan. Are you interested in thoran, chakkai and whhole lot of kerala recipes given by TSSeethalakshmi amma:
wow! loved your tabs. So hackosphere is the way to go? I was afraid to use the codes from there...
I had never tasted Olan before and have never even seen it during my childhood years. Only later when I moved out of home, I got introduced to this wonderful dish.
അയ്യോ... അപ്പോളിവിടുത്തുകാരിയൊന്നുമല്ലേ? പിന്നേ.. ഒരു പ്രധാനകാര്യം വിട്ടുപോയി... എന്തിനാ സദ്യയ്ക്ക് (ഓണസദ്യേടെ കാര്യം പറഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ടല്ലോ) ഓലന് വിളമ്പുന്നതെന്നുള്ളതേ...
സാധാരണയായി പരിപ്പ് കഴിഞ്ഞതിനു ശേഷം കാളന് വിളമ്പും. (കാളന് ചിലയിടത്ത്, കൂടുതല് വെള്ളം ചേര്ത്ത് പുളിശ്ശേരിയാക്കാറുണ്ട്, അതുപൊലെ സാമ്പാറിനു ശേഷവുമാക്കാറുണ്ട്) കാളന്റെ പുളി അഡ്ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള വിഭവമാണ് സത്യത്തില് ഓലന്. ഓലനൊറ്റയ്ക്ക് കഴിക്കുമ്പോളല്ല അതിന്റെ ശരിയായ രുചിയെന്നു സാരം.
പിന്നെ ഓലന്റെ പ്രധാന ചേരുവകള്:
കുമ്പളങ്ങ, ചെറിയ ചേമ്പ്, ഇളം മത്തങ്ങ, നീളന് പയറ്(വന്പയര്), നീളന് വഴുതനങ്ങ
ഇത് ചേച്ചീടെ ഓലന്റെ ചേരുവകളല്ലായിരിക്കും... പക്ഷെ, ട്രഡീഷണല് ഇതാണ്...
കരിക്കുട്ട്യേ, ആ ഓലന്റെ വിവരത്തിനു ഒരുപാട് നന്ദി. അമ്മയോട് ചോദിച്ചിട്ട് അതിന്റെ കൃത്യം പരമ്പരാഗതമായ പാചകത്തെ പറ്റിയൊന്നു എഴുതുമോ? എനിക്കിതൊന്നും അറിവില്ലാത്തതാണ്, പക്ഷെ അറിയാന് ഒരുപാട് താല്ലപ്പര്യമാണ്..
A nice twist to the traditional olan. Kasavu sarees indeed have a timeless quality. I just make it with kumblanga and black eyed peas.
As for yahoo stealing content,maybe on one day we all can post the same anticopying note..kind of like a hatdal.
കുമ്പളങ്ങയും ചേമ്പും ഇളം മത്തങ്ങയും പയര് വഴുതനങ്ങ എല്ലാം കനം കുറച്ച് ചെറുതായി അരിയുക. ചേമ്പ്, വഴുതന എന്നിവ വട്ടത്തിലും, നീളന് പയര് നീളത്തിലും അരിയുക, കുമ്പളങ്ങ ചെറിയ കഷണങ്ങളായും അരിയുക. പച്ചമുളക് കീറിയിട്ട്, ഉപ്പും വെള്ളവും ചേര്ത്ത് ഇവയെല്ലാം കൂടി അടുപ്പത്തുവെയ്ക്കുക. നീളന് പയറല്ല, പയറാണ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതെങ്കില് അത് പ്രത്യേകം വേവിച്ച്, ഇവയോട് ചേര്ക്കുക. വേവ് പാകമാവുമ്പോള് തേങ്ങാപ്പാലൊഴിക്കുക. പതഞ്ഞ് വരുമ്പോള് വെളിച്ചെണ്ണയും കറിവേപ്പിലയും ചേര്ത്ത് അടച്ചുവെയ്ക്കുക. കുറച്ചു സമയം കഴിയുമ്പോള് ഇളക്കി ഉപയോഗിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്.
Thanks for this totally new dish, I didn't even know the name :)
ഇങ്ങിനെ ഒരു മണ്ടന് ചെറുക്കന്! അതങ്ങനെ വിളിക്കുന്നത് പ്രായം കുറവാന്ന് തോന്നിപ്പിക്കാന് അല്ലെ?ഹൌ! ഇതിനൊരു ബുദ്ധിയുമില്ലല്ലൊ ഈശോയെ..
ഞാന് ഹെഡര് പിന്നേം മാറ്റി. എനിക്കെല്ലാം കറുപ്പായിട്ടാണിവിടെ കാണുന്നെ. അവിടെ എന്താ മാക്ക് ആണൊ?
Am blogging your Olan as a model recipe in the 1001 Kerala curries cookbook at
/Thanks for the recipe
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