What is a food blog (mainly listing Kerala food) without a moong bean thoran?
Or in other words, I don’t know why I didn’t yet blog about the cherupayar thoran from Kerala.
Now I always write it as Moong, but actually it is spelled Mung Beans. ‘Mung’ is derived from Hindi word ‘mung’ says Wikipedia. That would also mean we can be sure it originated in India. Mung bean is cultivated in most places in South Asia and is very much a part of the cuisine in South Asia.
Ayurveda is very partial to mung beans.
Of the most usable pulses, moong is one that has been described as the best for day-to-day use. Acharya Charaka has written that in both the green and yellow forms, it is astringent and sweet in taste, dry, light and cold in potency and has pungent post-digestive effect. It alleviates the vitiated kapha and pitta and is recommended to be served as soup during illness and convalescence. Due to its easily digestible properties moong dal is a dish of choice for people suffering from weak digestion, diarrhoea and dysentery and for those who are bed-ridden due to any prolonged illness.
Whole Mung bean - 2 cups pressure cooked with 1 cup water for 15 minutes. It is ideal that the bean should retain its shape, so don’t cook it to death. (Yeah, I have done that many a times)
Heat ¼ cup oil; splutter 1 tsp mustard seeds, 1 split red chili, 1 sprig of curry leaves. Crush 4 pods of garlic with skin, ½ tsp cumin seeds, and 5 green chilies and add to this. Roast the garlic until brown. Then add 6 shallots diced and sauté. Add 1/4 tsp turmeric powder.
Add the cooked mung bean to this and ½ cup of coconut, enough salt and mix well. Cover and cook until dry.
payaru thoran and kanji is heaven on a plate.
Hey can you give me your e-mail id ? I can send you the icon
Thoran looks awesome, Inji. Just a thought here -- the red highlighted text at the top really stands out as it is intended to, but is a little hard for reading (for someone with poor eyes, like me :)). Perhaps a bold bright yellow might do the same job and allow for easier reading of the text? Again, just a thought :)
Yay! Very clear now Inji :)
I put a little sidebar link on my blog, hope that's ok.
I love kanji and payaru! Thanks for this recipe...:)
ചേച്ചീടെ റീസന്റ് കമന്റ്സ് (അതിഥികള് - എന്റെ നാലുകെട്ടും തോണിയും)ശരിയായി വര്ക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നുണ്ടോ, ഇല്ലെന്നാ തോന്നുന്നേ. അത് മാറുന്നില്ലല്ലോ!
Did you see this:
Hi Inji,
missed your recipies as they were below the protest post. Loved your quick rasam.
BTW, wrote to one of the addresses I found at rediff. Not sure if it is the right guy. Mind if copy your protest post to be posted on the 5th on my blog?
Looks delicious and simple to make Inji.Thank you so much for a healthy dish!:))
Kanji and cherupayar is a staple in our house, mainly coz we both love the combo and also a nice escape when I dont feel like cooking at all ;))'
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