During those days, when the T.V Serial ‘Ramayana’ aired at 9.30 a.m., lot of people started skipping the morning mass for the evening one. My mother was one among them when my Dad was not at home. But the problem was morning Sunday Mass held a lot of ‘traditions’ like meeting people after the Mass, then walking back from Church and stopping at some of my mom's friend’s house on the way to discuss what their Sunday special was. Last stop would be at the meat shop of Hassanikka for a ½ k. g. of beef.
During the weekdays we never ate meat. Sunday was our meat day. Those days meat was quite expensive, so meat was a precious commodity and getting a chicken leg was like winning a lottery. Maybe because it was served not very often and when served, the quantity was so less, it tasted so good unlike now when I don’t like to eat meat that much and I crave for vegetarian meals. Also, I do think the meat we got back home was not ‘glorified’ Organic, but it did eat grass and did not have antibiotic treatments.Outside Kerala, I think it is very hard to find good beef.
Hindus regard Cow as sacred and you would get stares if you even said you eat beef. But in Kerala, even most Hindus eat beef.
This special and quick beef fry is from my Late Uncle. He used to call this Bombay Beef Fry only because he used to make it regularly during his bachelor days in Bombay, now called as Mumbai.

For 2 cups of beef, 1 cup of shallot diced.
First dice the beef to bite sized pieces and cook the beef with enough salt, ¼ tsp turmeric powder and 2 tsp chili powder.
Then heat ¼ cup of oil, splutter 1 tsp of mustard seeds, 3 sprigs of curry leaves. Now sauté the diced shallots until it is about to turn brown. Keep the flame to medium and add the cooked beef and sauté well. You should make it real dry. The beef should be sautéed well until the beef turns a brown color. It will take a good amount of time to get the beef dry. The actual thing is to sauté it until it will burn.

At 30/7/06 9:09 PM, jac said...
The cook is already slicing the beef and I am going to try your uncle's Bombay beef fry first.
ingimanga is not moving around ???dunno why :(
At 30/7/06 10:37 PM, archana said...
Thank you for the recipe LG, oh... sorry... Ingi. Did you add Kashmiri chilly powder to this. Looks so red and good.
At 30/7/06 11:25 PM, Anonymous said...
When did LG become Inji Pennu (IP)?
Sri Valli
At 31/7/06 12:40 AM, Immigrant in Canada said...
Athey.. add some slivers of coconut too and parcel/courier to me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 31/7/06 10:44 AM, indianadoc said...
Aiyyo Pothirachi...njan kazhikkilla...but aarum kaanathey thannal ichiri kazhikkam ketto!! ;)
At 31/7/06 10:50 AM, indosungod said...
LG oops realized you have become Inji Pennu now, I don't eat beef but the fry sure looks yummy, maybe I can try this with Chicken??
At 31/7/06 12:25 PM, Sumitha Shibu said...
Yes totally a bachelor recipe,quick and easy to make!
At 31/7/06 12:58 PM, Anonymous said...
Hey ... Have u added chilli powder to the beef too... How come it looks red??? Do revert. Need to try it out.
At 31/7/06 1:33 PM, Nabeela said...
interesting ingredient to make beef with....does the beef become tender in the end?
At 31/7/06 2:47 PM, Anonymous said...
But in Kerala, even most Hindus eat beef.
Not true. There may be certain Hindus who eat beef but 'most Hindus' - definitely not.
At 31/7/06 3:03 PM, Inji Pennu said...
jac,hope you liked it? :)
archana, Yes Kashmiri Chili after RP told me about this chili.
Sri Valli, Oh! it was all magic! :)
Sarah, For coconut slivers, I add garam masala to the meat. This is completely different. Try it out
Shynee, athu sheri! appo kattu thinnaan aanalle?
indosungod, No. I don't think so. Chicken wont taste that good with the same combination since the chicken flavour is very subtle compared to beef.You can try it with mutton if you eat mutton.
Sumitha, Yeah and it tastes just great!
Hi anonymous, Yes, Check out the recipe where I say,cook beef with chili powder first
nabeela, No. the beef donot become tender. So it is good to dice it into very small pieces.
Lakshmi, Yeah. It is true that Malayalee Hindus eat beef just like Kashmiri Hindus eat mutton and Bengali Hindus eat Fish. I didnt say that, but stastics say so. Check out the Hindu article link I have provided. Thanks.
Whatever it is, no problem for me :)
At 1/8/06 11:36 AM, Anonymous said...
What are shallots? Are they available in india?
At 1/8/06 11:39 AM, Inji Pennu said...
Hi anonymous,
Shallots are the small onions and of course they are avilable in India. It is hard to get them in U.S. It is called kunjulli in malayalam.
At 1/8/06 12:06 PM, Shubha Radhakrishnan said...
LG,though u might have made the comment very casually that in Kerala most Hindus eat beef, it is ideal not to make such blanket statements when u really do not know the reality.You might be stepping on to several people's sentiments and 'The Hindu' that you have quoted here is no Bible for such statistics.So isnt it better not to make controversial statements?Pl dont take anybody for granted.
At 1/8/06 12:18 PM, Inji Pennu said...
Hi Subha,
Very sorry if I stepped on any sentiments. But in reality, Kerala Hindus do eat beef (not the completely vegan Namboodiris).
Beef is so commonly available in Kerala unlike other states.You can ask any Malayalee. Beef we get in Kerala is from the Ox. Cow is never slaughtered anywhere I think.
I really dont know what to say, when you say Hindu is not an authority. Maybe not. But Hindu quoted the Central Government stastics.
Sorry if it is hurting any sentiments. But in Kerala, thats the reality.Across Kerala in every restuarant you find plenty of beef dishes, whereas in no other state I have found them. It was quite shocking to me that no other state serves beef.
I dont want to turn this into an ugly religious sentimental thing, So please let us stop here. Or what you really say is with facts, kindly point me to some statistics or news item,I would gladly delete that from the post.
Hope you are okay with that.
At 2/8/06 1:11 AM, Anonymous said...
"But Hindu quoted the Central Government stastics."
I read the link you had posted - I'm sorry but that article says absolutely nothing about the percentage of Hindus in Kerala who eat beef. So, your statement that "most" Hindus in Kerala eat beef has no statistical bearing and is not supported by "The Hindu" article you linked to.
Now, regarding beef eating, I guess the beef (pun intended) with your statement is the usage of "most Hindus in Kerala" ... when what you probably mean is "many Hindus"?
Another point - Namboothiris are not really "vegan" - in fact since milk and dairy products are part of their food they are at best "lacto-vegetarians".
Yet another point, Namboothiris are not the only vegetarians in Kerala - a significant proportion of Kshatriyas and even some Nair families (leave alone Tamil Brahmins, Tulu Brahmins, etc who are also Malayalis) are traditionally lacto-vegetarians.
I understand that you are trying to make the point that unlike other states Kerala does have a larger proportion of beef-eating Hindus - which is one thing. However, generalizing that to "most" Hindus in Kerala eating beef is not really supported by the central govt statistics you quote.
My 2 paise ...
At 2/8/06 10:26 AM, Anonymous said...
Are they pearl onions or sambhar onions?
At 2/8/06 10:31 AM, Inji Pennu said...
I think sambar onions.
Check this picture link
At 2/8/06 10:35 AM, Inji Pennu said...
Hi Das,
Yes, the Hindu article doesn’t specify about the ‘exact’ Kerala statistics, but it does say about beef eating Keralites in the first para.
"most" Hindus -- Yes. Since Eezhavas constitute the majority in Hindus in Kerala and they do eat beef.
At 2/8/06 9:21 PM, KS said...
even if ur statement of 'most hindus' is true to some extend i feel it is better to take that for the shake of hindus from other states. Thankyou.
PS: I am not that anonymous person.
At 2/8/06 9:54 PM, Inji Pennu said...
Hi KS,
Really sorry to say, but I don't think I need to strike out that sentence. I really don't understand why you said that. Each region has its own customs and traditions. And just by taking it off won’t erase it in reality.
Don't worry very few people read my blog and if you feel hurt,
Please do not read anymore. As simple as that!
When I wrote that, I actually didn’t even think twice about this 'touchy' issue. I was just writing the tradition of Kerala just like I write about some other tradition on all posts.
I guess you all have made it an unnecessary 'issue'. I am sorry, but I can only politely refuse your 'suggestions'. When people who eat it do not have any problem, don’t understand what others have.
Hinduism is such a rich and beautiful religion and a beef eating thing by Kerala Hindus is not going to hurt it. Don't worry.
At 4/8/06 3:59 AM, jac said...
I think it needs a piece of Zinjabeel(Ginger)
I have added and yuuuuuuuuuuuuuummy.
At 4/8/06 4:59 PM, renuramanath said...
hi lg,
i was following this heated debate about beef-eating and hinduism and The Hindu with interest. Thank you for quoting The Hindu as 'authentic.' Even though we at The Hindu often think that we commit the deadliest errors, it is always so great to hear some one from outside extol this newspaper.
The Hindu tries to remain authentic as much as possible. We do not publish assumptions. We won't publish anything unless we can verify the authenticity, as much as possible (leaving the space for all human errors).
As for the beef-eating, I can tell you, as a non-beef eating person, born as a Hindu (not necessarily one by faith), beef is a very common meat in Kerala. Even those who don't cook it at home, easily order a beef dish in restaurants. We say that "Porotta and Beef Fry,' has become the national food of Kerala, even !
The quality of the beef available here, from the worn-out cattle transported from Tamil Nadu, is however, questionable
it will be better to say that there are some Hindus in Kerala who still do not eat beef.
I grew up in a pure vegetarian family. Still I don't eat fish or meat, not out of any religious sentiments, but just because I never could develop any taste for it. I believe in eating what one likes to eat, not what one should, or shouldn't.
All said, dear injippenne, its better to be careful while dealing with certain subjects these days. People can get hypersensitive these days, and hyperintolerant. May be you left India too long ago, or you had not learnt to read the danger signals.
At 4/8/06 5:05 PM, Kala said...
I am a 'Hindu', born and brought up in Kerala, and I do take offense when you say 'in kerala most hindus eat beef' except for namboodiris. Im not a namboodiri and all of my 'Hindu' friends never ate beef. so please dont make assumptions if you cant back that up with facts. i've heard people from other states say that 'in kerala they make only adult movies', well, there you go, just bcoz some adult movies are being made in malayalam does not mean that we make only such movies. your comment abt 'most hindus eating beef' is as absurd as that. It hurts when malayalees start spreading such rumor abt malayalees... just a humble suggestion.
At 4/8/06 9:35 PM, Inji Pennu said...
Thanks a lot for your really encouraging comments. I for a moment thought I was totally dumb when I have seen and experienced almost everyone eating beef in Kerala and actually there is no taboo per say. Only when you travel outside Kerala you even hear about this.
...and it means a lot when you work for Hindu and you are indeed a Hindu (Ah! no pun intended) and you don't eat beef or any meat!
I know Renu, times have changed. Actually more than India, Indians living in U.S is more ferocious and full of spite and ready to pounce upon you completely knowing one didn’t mean anything offensive especially if you are of a different religion. They just get a kick out of it and they even mix it pseudo-patriotism.
You have no idea how happy you made me!
hi inji,
im a malayali hindu born -(lived 17 yrs )in kerala and always ate beef and every hindu around me eat beef:).my mom doest cook at home. but we always take parcel and eat. im gonna make beef fry today was searching for some new recipes and reached here.
i completely agree with u.and i first heard these issues when i was in bangalore.i like to keep religion out of my food habits:)
as u said many indian hindus in us will get offended by anything and everything may be coz they learn about invasions/ infiltration after coming to US which they never could know in a pseudo secularist country like ours.
Hi Ingipenne,
Thanks for this wonderful recipe.. It will be my next experiment.. I am from kerala... I come from a Hindu Family(not really practice it though) where traditionally non-veg food is not eaten. But except for ppl from 2 generations b4 me everybody else eat beef and it is my fav... i think it is in individual choice.. and what you said about most ppl(hindus) in kerala or rather more hindus in kerala than other states eat beef is also my observation... i totally agree... and to the ppl who are getting offended by your statement, i do not know why they're reading a recipe for beef fry... And i think you have all the right to write whatever you want...after all it is your blog.
So keep your wonerful recipes going.
neora(not my real name..duh!)
You are a shame to the Hindu community. You malayalis are devil worshipers and must be discommunicated from our holy religion. Shame on you. Death to malayalis. Also there are no christians in India. Christians live in America, europe and australia. What we have here is scheduled caste scum calling themseleves christians. You think just by dipping your head in the water makes you christian? No it doesn't. Eating beef makes you are more modern than the rest of us? No it doesn't you communist filth. schedule caste schedule tribe came from human shit and have no religion. Death to all of you.
Mahesh... I am sure the site owner's gonna call in the cyber law enforcement. They are gonna track you down (which is extremely easy) and get you incarcerated for making such threatening statements!... There's something called Cyber Laws and...
PS: You have already given away your first name. Even if it is fake, it doesn't matter!
Oh shut-up, I am not afraid of you anti-hindu terroists. You think I am intimidated by you? You can't even reveal your name. Mr/Mrs Morpheus you can kiss my ass you piece of shit.
I have located this bitch ingi ponnu. We know who she is . We know where you live. we will hurt you and your family . Death is coming. Beware.
Well..I am a Malayali and beef is very commonly available food in Kerala. Most hotels do server plenty of it, as someone said before Beef Fry and Porotta are national food of Kerala and Toddy national drink... Whenever I go back, that is the only dish I order from hotels.
People please, this is a food blog, and what Inji says is true. Why are people so offended like it's a threat to Hinduim? I am a hindu and I've seen many Keralite hindus eat beef, but mostly outside the home. Let's at least keep Kerala the open cultural meting pot it always was.
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