Bajis are a must have all Indians like easy snack item. In India, we usually deep fry stuff with besan flour. This is flour made out of channa dal.

Buy cleaned button mushrooms. There were around 40 hungry people at home and I didn’t get enough whole button mushrooms at store, so bought diced mushroom. It is good to make this with whole button mushrooms. Just wipe the mushroom with a wet cloth, don’t put it inside a tub of water etc to clean, since mushrooms are like sponge and they would hold the water.
You know mushrooms have niacin, which are extremely good for heart. But I am not sure what your heart is gonna do when you deep fry them. Hehehe.
Make a thick batter with besan flour, asafoetida, salt, chili powder, curry leaves diced thin, onions diced very thin, green chilies diced thin.
If you have never made baji before and is thinking about the proportions, I would say for 3 cups of mushrooms, mix two coups of besan flour with 1 cup of water, 3 tsp chili powder, 2 shallots diced very thin, 1 sprig of curry leaves diced thin, enough salt (taste the batter after salt is added), 5 green chilies diced very thin.

Dip the mushrooms and fry them deep in hot vegetable oil. Serve with tomato sauce.
hmm.. never tried frying them as baji!happy partying..
Cannot go wrong with a delicious fried mushroom, any way you slice it! :):)
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