Malayalees love koorkka. There might be some who dislike Kerala’s favorite food kappa, but koorkka we all love from north to south, from east to west. What?! You mean to say, I said the same about kappa too? ;)
Well, last vacation I got three small sized tuber,planted it in three small cups and made them sprout. Summer I re-planted them into a big cow manure pit and yesterday it just rained koorkka. I got a sack full, yes a sack full of koorkka. Almost 5 pounds of koorkka. Can you believe it?
Koorkka is known as Chinese potato in U.S. This information comes from visiting Indian stores. I don’t have a clue what it is really called. I don’t even know whether this is available in any other place other than Kerala.
But if you haven’t tasted this tuber, then you haven’t tasted bliss.
Koorkka can be just stir fried like a potato or put in meat curries. I made beef curry with koorkka. You can use it like a potato.
Since they are small in size, it will take time for you to peel them. Back home, I have seen my mom cover them in a muslin cloth and hit on the ground to get their skin off. What I did was boiling them until tender and scraped the skin. Or if you have a lot of patience, you can just scrape them raw. I think boiling makes it a little, a pinch less tasty.
Koorkka unlike potato takes time to cook and won’t get mashed easily like potato. So cook them a little longer than potato.
Recipes will follow this whole week. Watch this space for koorkka glory!
You are a true mallu. Who else would grow koorka. And I don't like koorka. But koorka with beef looks like a great dish.
address pound ayachu tharo..? njan serious aayi thanne chodichatha...:) kothippichu kollum alle!!!! but i will have koorkka and beef separately..i used to eat a plate of koorkka olathiyathu with a glass of ice cold water...Heavenly !!!!
I remember eating this veg in a mezhukuparatti many, many years ago when I was in Kerala for summer hols. It was so tasty!
ഇതു ശരിക്കും കലക്കി ഇഞ്ചികുട്ട്യേ.
സമയം കിട്ടുമ്പോ ഇതൊന്നു പരീക്ഷിച്ചു നോക്കണം. :)
Oh! that is how the real deal looks! Have to make to with the Frozen Chinese Potato that we get in the Indian grocery stores here.
Hey IP, Koorka is called Kooka in Konkani! At my place its hit in a jute bag and then peeled! This is a very yummmyy looking recipe n guess what as I m looking at the snap, i can feel Kooka's taste! :)( I did this stupidity of peeling it raw, took me 1 1/2 hrs for peeling merely a pound! But the upperi was amazing and tasty!) Tks for this recipe and tip of boiling it for skinning! Hee..never thought of it!
You actually grew koorkka in your yard??? Wow!!!
My mom used to put it in a chakku and beat it to remove the skin.
I love kooka(as we call it). I haven't seen it in a long time. Mom just boils it with salt and thhen we eat it as it is. Yummy.....
I wish I could find it somewhere here.
Btw...inji, I like your new template. Glad to see you back in action :)
koorkka kaanumbol achuvinte ammayude koorkka orma varum
KOORKKA Dish super !!
that is the true mallu spirit!!
keep it on :)
Yes..this post is encouging enough for me to grow them soon in my kitchen garden..:)
Congrats for growing your own koorkka.I have not yet found koorkka in our place, though we started to get Kuthari, frozen Mathi etc. I love koorkka especially with coconut slices in it.
Did you grow it here in the US ?
Oh Kooorka!! I miss it so much.. Did you say, we get it here in the US? I have never seen it in Indian stores..And how did you manage to bring/grow it here??
Koorka has the scientific name Solenostemon rotundifolius. You can see more info at:
someone named black pepper , blogname: curry world ,using ur koorkka pic.. just thought to inform u ..i found it while searching key word koorkka thoran.
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