I want to record them in English and when someone searches for kanji, I am ecstatic one of my blog pages show up on search. Someone once wrote to me, she was having fever and that she was in a foreign country and wanted badly to have some kanji and searched and she hit on my blog. Yes, thank you reader, that's exactly what I want too. Especially I love it when a non-Keralite says they tried the Kerala kuthari or the rice gruel. Ummaah!
To me blogs especially food blogs should be less sophisticated and should reflect one's own kitchen. I love to see pictures in the commonly used steel utensils and kadai than on pretty bowls. I don't think it should be about excellent dramatic photographs or professional writing or precise recipes. We have fantastic cook books for all that. To me, it is about individuality, love, passion and stories behind them. Cooking to me is all about expression of love. And who else can bring it forth to the blogs than us women?
To write a food blog, it is good to have a camera. Well, I didn't have one but when I switched to DSL, my service provider send me a small 3MB web camera with no flash. One couldn't even put a memory card in that thing and could take only 7 pictures with the internal memory. You could just click and take a digital photo. That's it. So I had to cook early and take a picture in the afternoon when I had full light. I rarely saved a post in the draft and what I would eat for lunch, I liked to immediately share it with you. It was like from the stove to the table to the blog.
Could I buy a decent camera? Of course I could, but I didn't want to. I had an old SLR with me and had given it to my brother. When I traveled or I needed one as a must, I borrowed one from my cousin. I was thinking I should be able to survive with this good for nothing camera too. I could write if I couldn’t put good pictures. I could excite you with a new ingredient for lack of good pictures. I could tell you stories. And that’s what I did.
Then, one fine day I saw Google Adsense. I thought If I put that on my blog and If I could get some money and If I buy a camera with that for my food blog, wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't that be the thing to do? Wouldn't that inspire someone? And yes, that's exactly what I did. Though as an Indian syndrome, I was hesitant and shy at first to put ads. But I put them this year and I made money. Yes, I got my first Google check last month and was unimaginably happy. It was like how you would sell old newspapers back home, how you would sell fish from your fish tank to friends and make some extra change. I bought a Nikon L14 for the money I got. I have no excuse now for not having a good picture on my blog.

It was fun watching the piggy bank slowly getting filled up, sometimes as low as .02 cents, but I was patient like making koya by stirring milk on the stove for hours. If I had regularly posted it would have been much faster, but hey I got a life too right?
Thank you my wonderful readers!
You are sooo funny Inji, that's why I love you... :)(in a platonic way of course ;)) Congrats on the paycheck... Can't wait to see the new and "improved" pics...
inji, we made your kanji last week, we make your kappa puzhukku from time to time, we've made appam your way, and today's post of mine
(which uses kappa) has a great debt to you.
thank you for a wonderful blog. most of my kerala recipes i learnt from you and from ammini ramachandran's book.
people actually click on adsense ads? that's good to know. we need to install some.
Congrats on the check. Must have felt great.
I've been thinking of doing adsense for some time now...but like Bee said, "do ppl really click on ads??:)"
anyways, congrats on the cheque! does make you feel happy for all the time you put into your blog right? I think I need to do something like that too...I need monetary motivation:D
i tried a bunch of your recipes and each one came out well. I'd like to say a big thank you, now that i have the chance.
Yours is one blog i check everyday. Pics or no pics, you are an amazing cook. And i ain't looking for beautiful pics. I have had enough with cute-pics-but-no-good recpies.
hey inji..that was so cute of u to be honest!! maybe i gotta do something like that!! i am sitting at home twiddling thumbs :D
So nice of you inji!!Awesome on the pay check ...
Hi Inji, Loved this since it vibrates exactly what I like about foodie blogging. Adsense has always mystified me..maybe I will enroll myslef someday..maybe not!! Wait and watch :) Congrats to you though.
inji..that was really so sweet a post...I never knew you didn't have a proper camera as you said...I always liked your previous pictures..so what comes with this will be great...
sig as I know is always funny!...:D..
and imagine putting ads and getting a check too...I have put them so long ago but hardly it has come to anything..hehehe...I guess I need to put up a kanji recipe too...:D!
he he he... u r too cute and funny inji girl:) i too have put google adsensense few months ago and i feel like a small girl checking her piggy bank every now and then;)
congrats on new cam. with pic or w/o pic i always love to visit ur blog:)
inji, i have always felt you are very very honest and have always loved reading whatever you wrote, specially the write up on Arya's mom and now on your recent pay-check. Keep up the good work and ofcourse the good delicious recipes.
Very cool!
I'm one of those non-Indian readers who loves simple Keralan recipes...and yes, kanji is total comfort food for me. Especially after I get back from a long business trip - I'm tired, wrung out, and have eaten dodgy food for a few days. Nothing like kanji to set things straight.
Great to note that you got a camera with your own savings from the blog,Inji!!:)..Truly inspirational..
I had been checking up with Srivalli(who has double the number of visitors and triple the num of recipes than mine)reporting, we will have to wait patiently!..
After all The Kyoya after a slow and steady simmer,Rocks more! :)..right??
Awesome blog !!!
I am not sure if you are allowed to disclose your earnings from the adsense program. Remember reading something of this sort 2-3 years back , not sure if the rules remain the same
I really love this post, as sometimes I feel that my blog is so amateurish when compared to so many others, but I do it because I enjoy doing it and for no other reason. "To me, it is about individuality, love, passion and stories behind them." It's good to know that, probably, most other bloggers feel the same way :)
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