1 pound meat (beef, pork or any hard meat) diced.
3 table spoon meat masala
1 onion diced
1 tomato diced
8 garlic pods ad 2 inch ginger crushed
1 spring of curry leaves
2 tsp chili powder
5 green chilies slit
1 tsp turmeric
Salt as needed.
Mix all these with the meat and cook thoroughly with ¼ cup water in a pressure
Now sauté half a diced onion, add the boiled koorkka and the meat and keep in low flame until koorkka soaks the gravy.
If you want you can add 1 cup of coconut milk. Do not boil.
Roast ¼ cup of coconut and when almost brown add1 tsp meat masala and sauté for one more minute. Grind this to a fine paste, sauté it after the onion and later add koorkka and the cooked meat. Boil in low flame until done.
Serve with rice or roti. Yummy!
Love koorkka. Cooked with meat, it must be super delicious !
I have had fried/boiled koorkaa but never this combo..looks yummy!
inji pennu, in your prev post, you had mentioned that koorkka takes longer time. Are you sure? because every time I cook this vegie, I used to wash the chunks thoroughly (to remove the sand sticking onto them), boil in a vessel with water over stove. They get tender in a matter of 10-15 mins. Then all I do is make a vertical slit with a knife and the skins peel out easily. Then saute in oil with salt, chilli powder, etc. until crispy.
koorkka penney...ingane manushyane kothippikkunna karyangal mathrame blog cheyyavullootto.. koorkka kandittu varshangalaayi...dushte!
enthu nalla curry..looks yummy..koorkkayokkey evide kittan..
Depends on the koorkka I guess. Mine takes a little longer time. Anyway the mention is cook until done:)
BTW,Koorka is known as SIRUKIZHANGU, in the place we live here in Tamil NAdu and we get rarelyduring the peak season..Nov-jan!
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