Jun 1, 2007


Now, all you smartie pants out there, guess this.

(Warning: Any more threats, verbal abuse towards this poor me for putting pictures of my backyard will not be taken lightly. Will be forced to put more :-))


Anonymous said...

Mustard seeds? Peppercorns? I do believe you could grow a real pepper tree, inji :)

Artichoke thoran looks yummy btw.

Sig said...


Anonymous said...


Revathi said...

So is this your Killer one ?? Why dont u give some hint ?? greens , fruit, veggie, spice - What category does it fall under..

Inji Pennu said...

How about humans eat them? hahahaha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mrs. K said...

Once upon a time, there was a plant at granma's house.
We called it mulberry plant.
The baby fruits looked exactly like the ones in your picture.
It tasted sour.
Then it turned red and then black I guess.
It was fun to watch different colors on the tree.
We, the kids, used to fight for the berries.
The end!

Unknown said...

I think it's young peppercorns, saw many of these kinds in Coorg! But hell, would you be growing even PEPPER at home? The next thing i know is that you have your own SALT PAN too...

KF said...

I never seen such a long mulberry in kerala...

Srivalli said...

Gingery seeds!

Anonymous said...


FH said...


Kribha said...

Looks like pepper. Awaiting your answer.

Suganya said...

I think it must be Peppercorns....

Anonymous said...

It is Black pepper...kurumulaku in malayalam.....

Anonymous said...

aalkkare patikkan oronnumayi irangikkolum... :)

ithaanu urumbum pazham adhava mulberry. :)


Anonymous said...

Mulberry! Yes it is!

Revathi said...

I second Asha. Thats what it is !!

Suganya said...

Tail peppercorns? Allspice?

Rachna said...

yup mulberry it is... a million percent... we had two huge trees in our backyards and like rp said, they wud look exactly like this,sour to taste, turn red then dark purple.... i wud climb the branches and sit the whole day plucking and eating...wow i wud have my teeth all stained (childhood memories all coming back)

Kay said...

Mulberry! My aunt had a tree and we used to love those..

The tree is gone now, only memories left...

Nabeela said...


indosungod said...

Don't have a clue! But looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Inji,

This is Shankari,when we went for a AR Rahman show, he stressed on voting for Taj Mahal to be one of the seven wonders, I have attached the link, please pass the word around


Anonymous said...

Hi Injipennu,

I bought a jasmine plant from a chinese grocery store...Without thinking really, they had some for $25 and the scent of jasmine made me so nostalgic that I just bought one without thinking where or how I would take care of it... We had many kinds of jasmine at my granmas place and I so badly wanted one...

Well, here comes the trouble - I am not sure how to take care of it... I have been looking up the net, but now it seems all the more difficult and confusing... I loved plants in India and was very comfortable in the garden... But somehow the northeastern weather just scares the heck out of me...

Anyway, coming to the crux of it- could you maybe point me to websites/resources which have details on how to take care of jasmine...

Btw, I am lurker who is usually following the happenings in the Indian food blog scene... I just have fun reading stuff you guys write abt... I know you are into gardening and when the reality of having to take care of a plant dawned on me, I thought I would ask you...

Sorry abt the trouble and long post


Bharathy said...

Yeah,I too support Asha!Hope we win!!!
Can guess only Indian...So threatening to post Indian,pref keralite plants :),hereafter..
Illengil...,Samaram cheyyum,Samaram cheyyum..:)

Ravi said...

I think its papaya!

Inji Pennu said...

It is red Mulberry! It was at my grandmom's house and we would eat them and our mouth would be deepred and we would scare our parents saying we are bleeding.... :) When ripe,it is sooooo sweeett...just like memories.