This time for GBP Summer 2007 Entry( my second entry), I don’t have anything to write for this post. Let the pictures speak.

Note: If you are buying store bought mangoes in U.S, it might not be that sour, so add 1 tsp of vinegar to the mango slices to get the right sourness.
lovely pics and awesome chammanthi.
my cheeks hurts looking at those mangoes.
vaayil vellam vannu ...angane thanne erakki :)
You have a Mango tree in your backyard !!!! OMG...I am having a blank moment here !
sammathikkilla..sammathikkilla...americayil manga valarthaan patilla..aadyathe randu padam kandittu americayaanennu thOnnaNE illa.. ithu moshticha padam, frozen manga vechundakkiya chammanthi.. entry disqualified...njan samaram cheyyum.. aaavoo ithrem paranjappo samaadhaanaayi..
Sour mangoes a rarity in US, simple yet looks delicious. I make the same way except that I add thadka at the end
Lovely pics,haven't seen real green mangoes in a while but do gey semi rip here,will try Cha-mman-thi!Thanks:)
Beautiful Pictures.....and a lovely recipe.
Wow mangoes from your own tree to make a chammanthi...just great
you grew mango Inji! so I was not very far off... awesome!
that is awesome, chammanthi from mangoes from your garden, what can beat that?
njan RPde koode samaram cheyyum! that can't be in ur backyard..
Beautiful Pics. Never seen green mangoes in awhile. Will surely try your Chammanthi sometime.
kariveppila koodi add cheyyu. chammathikku curryleaves undenkil taste koodum. avide ille cheti?
Wow! Those green mangoes look awesome! They remind me of my grandmother's garden:)
August 15നു ഞാന് ഒരു മസത്തേക്ക് ഏകനാവുകയാണു്. വീട്ടുകാരി മകനുമായി അവധിക്ക് അവളുടെ സഹോദരിമാരെ കാണാന് അങ്ങോട്ട് വരുന്നുണ്ട്. ഞാന് സ്ഥലം വിട്ടാല് പണി നടക്കില്ല. ഇനി മറന്നുപോയ പാചക വിദ്യകള് എല്ലാം പരീക്ഷിക്കണം. ഇഞ്ജി എഴുതുന്ന പാചക കുറിപ്പുകള് എല്ലാം ഞാന് വായിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു. എല്ലാം നല്ല എളുപ്പം ഉണ്ടാക്കാവുന്നതാണെന്നു് തോന്നുന്നു. നന്ദി
Hi IP..
I tried this recipe,it came out very well & stayed 4 a week refrigerated!thks 4 posting!
nice dish...lovely pic...vayeell vellam varunuu...i have some green magoes in my fridge,was wondering what to do with that..hyyy i got a recipe hurry!!!!....thanku inji
Oh my god. Please send some rice & yoghurt along with this. Ente favorite aharam ayiruunu. Ages since i had puliyulla maga chamanthi
What happened to GBP project? Dropped....As i am not seeing any posts after 2007....Just curious....Hope you all will start all over again.....This is September.We rarely get vegetables we plant, as we there are rabbits and deer in the conservative area behind the backyard.Will get chilles and bell pepper....:)
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