Apr 19, 2007

GBP Announcement

We can grow veggies in Winter
We can grow veggies in Winter
(repeat after me please)

Don't believe me? Please check out the wonderful Green Blog Project Winter 2007 Round Up by the lovely Mandira of Ahaar.

Missed the deadline for Winter. You mean, it is already Spring there? Dont worry. We have one coming up on Summer, GBP Summer 2007. Who is hosting it? Ah! I tricked Deepz into doing that :).

If you just landed from another planet, check out What is GBP all about? :)


Kribha said...

Hey, U'r back. Eagerly waiting for your next post.

Mandira said...

LOL Inji, you're too sweet. Thanks for the link :)
My blog name is Ahaar (with 2 a's).