Apr 21, 2007

Nature's Shampoo (Thaali)

This is not about food. I can eat all I want, but who will take care of my hair? :-) I just want to note down some Kerala traditions.

Malayalee women are known to have abundant lustrous long, a little curly and dark black hair. We massage our hair and scalp with a little coconut oil everyday and wash it off. Many wonder how we do it everyday. But once you get used to the routine it is just a normal thing as brushing your teeth.

Earlier, that is even before my grandmother, kondakettal was the fashion.

Source Excerpt: Kondakettal (hair being bunched upon the left side of the head with strands of jasmine flowers circling it) was accepted as the coiffure of the art form. In any old picture of traditional Kerala women one can see this coiffure, let alone the royal women in Ravi Varma paintings.

This is a movie still of a recent Malayalam movie (Ananthabhadram). Wanted to show you the old hair style. No, this is not how we wear our hair now. :-)

Couple of years ago, short hair became fashionable and there were many Western type hair styles. I remember Remo in Cochin for a show and looking around wondered what happened to the stories of Malayalee women with long hair because all he could see were short haired women. Hehehe. However, now long hair is back in fashion.I never cut my hair short, but honestly few times I have had the urge to do so. But you know once you cut it; it will take years to grow it to the same length.

Hibiscus plants are abundant in each and every Kerala home. We make a shampoo out of it. It is so simple to make and very good for your hair. Pluck some hibiscus leaves, like a handful and put it in like one cup water. Shred or grind it in a mixer or what I do is, I just squeeze squeeze with my hand while watching TV. Then strain the thick juice which is a little slimy and use it to wash my hair. No need to use anything else. You can refrigerate this upto one week. This is known as thaali in Malayalam.

If you continuously use it for more than a week, your hair just turns sooo soft and healthy.


Mrs. K said...

You use this here in the U.S. too??? I won't believe it. Show us your hair! :)

Mishmash ! said...

I second RP here :)

Priya Bhaskaran said...

wow...recollecting the childhood memories, I did this way till my 10th grade, after that got into shampoo-lol, good to see you are still following such traditional methods:)

Revathi said...

Wow thats a wonderful tip thanks Inji.

I honestly just dont have the time these days to take a picture and do posts. So sorting to indexing he he heeeeeeee.

Sig said...

Nice Post!! I used to hate those things when I was young, my aunt used to force these on us whenever we visited her. But now it sounds pretty cool :)... I'm sure there is a great marketing opportunity here, what do you think?
Also, I second RP and Shn, need to see a picture of your hair possibly in Kondakettal to believe all this :D

ബിന്ദു said...

same pinch inji... not for the thali(I support RP for that ;) )I like long hair. :)

Anonymous said...

wow!! never did this but i remember my cousin telling me about this one day. i don't know if she tried it though:):). you are right..all houses in kerala have hibiscus plant. like others i too am curious to see a picture of your long hair in konda:)):))

reshma said...

you know what i love the most about shoeflower plants ? thhose teeny weeny leaved budding out. you can pinch them out and then stick them to your palms, keep doing that till you have a nice carpet of fresh green needles and then turn your palm upside downa nd voila! they are still hang on:)
ആ, ഇവിടെ വന്നും ഞാന്‍ അലമ്പും;)

Kribha said...

Dear Inji,
I've had malayalee friends in college and always loved their hair. I have also applied hibiscus,egg white, ground methi seeds.....You name it, I have used almost everything that come as beauty tips. But now, here I am in a half bald stage loosing my hair like crazy. It's true. Nowadays we never get time for ourselves.
Anyway, that was a nice post that brought back my childhood memories where my grandma took care of me so well.

BTW, the movie still was good. I'm a prithvi fan. I've seen him only in tamil movies. Nice to see his differnt look. Hey...I think that picture was to show the hairstyle of that girl???hehehe.looks great!

Bong Mom said...

You grow hibiscus to shampoo your hair ? You need to let your hair down and show us apic :D

Inji Pennu said...

Hey Hey, RP started it!! Grr...
hehehe. I dont have that good hair since I talk a lot but do less. :)
I have no problem in you girls imagining that my hair is as good as that movie actress ;)

Rp, vecchittundu. adi! adi!
mishmash, oy oy... dont support RP
Priya, you are back da? It is so good right?
Revathi, thanks
Sig, yeah I always used to think. This is a real herbal shampoo unlike the "herbal" ones you get to buy.
Bindu, Okay now I need to see your long hair pic :)
Reena, Yes it is good. Thanks
Reshma, :) adi! alambundaakkiyaal
Kribha, haha that was funny! Did you even see the girl in that pic?
Sandeepa, you too!!

Ranjani said...

what hair .what post..what plant ..forgot what to comment after seeing prithvi..i have also seen him in tamil movies..then went & rented a few mallu movies even though i dont understand just to drool over him..

Chandrika said...

Hmm...how can I forget those Hibiscus days? I used to do the same till the end of my college days. After that it was tata- goodbye to natural homemade stuff and a big welcome to the shampoos...

Really Inji, hibiscus works wonders...

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! We want to see a picture. And it absolutely cannot be a reflection in a spoon.


KF said...

Enikkum kananam .....mudi mathram mathi..please...........

Prema Sundar said...

I used to wash my hair with hibiscus leaves when I was in India.. we had a hisbiscus plant and the hair would really be soft after washing it with this.

Bharathy said...

After reading abt thaali...I tried it yesterday...the after bath exp soooo soothing...after a long time..missed my mom who is in kerala,who used to make me ready with the mashed leaf juice,when I was young..
Thanx for reminding this wonderful herbal shampoo..

Anonymous said...

I have used this everyday until coming to US and alwyas had dark long hair. After coming here I lost lot of hair so started shortening the hair but I love long dark hair.

Unknown said...

show us the proof baby!! And I think I'm going to enjoy doing that, i love doing messy stuff like that, you see...but I have to find a clean hibiscus plant first!

Anonymous said...

ഞാനും ഈ ബ്ലോഗിന്റെ സ്ഥിരം സന്ദര്‍ശകയാണ്‌

എനിക്ക്‌ ഈ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ വളരെ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടതാണ്‌. വളരെയധികം രുചിയുള്ള പാചകക്കുറിപ്പുകല്‍ ഇവിടെയുണ്ട്‌.

ഞങ്ങള്‍ ഈയിടെ ഒരു "മലയാളം പാചകക്കുറിപ്പുകളുടെ" ഒരു വെബ്‌ സൈറ്റ്‌ തുടങ്ങി.

സൗകര്യം പോലെ അവിടം സന്ദര്‍ശിക്കുക.

ഞങ്ങളുടെ വിലാസം

നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കിഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട വിഭവങ്ങളുമായി ഞങ്ങള്‍ അവിടെ കാത്തിരിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്‌

വരുമല്ലോ ??.... ഞങ്ങള്‍ കാത്തിരിക്കും

SAHM4Islam said...

Hi Inji,
Thanks for sharing this. Hope u don't mind but I also shared you post with the ladies on naturallycurly.com. Here is the link: http://www.naturallycurly.com/curltalk/showthread.php?p=713533#post713533

I tried the thaali earlier this year and it worked great but i stopped using it because my neighbor moved his crazy dog into our apartment building and kept it in the yard so i was no longer willing to risk life and limb for hibiscus leaves. But now i have two bushes at my front gate and today I'm out of shampoo:) I think its high time to try a thaali shampooing again. Thanks a bunch