Then I thought, hey why don’t I turn the limelight onto the coloured rice I eat. Introducing…tada…wholesome "Kerala red rice" or Kerala Double boiled rice (I am not sure whether par-boiled is same as double boiled)

I think only people from Kerala eat this. Once you get accustomed to this, which we are -- 'forcefully' fed by our adoring mothers with ghee and mashed dal and veggies from your 6 months of life, you can never eat 'white rice' and feel satisfied. The red rice I eat is boiled with the husk and thus it maintains its fiber. White rice is scrubbed and polished and made hip, but sadly it loses all its nutrients. But the fun part is when my cousins visit us from outside Kerala; they find it very difficult to eat.
“Too big, too big” they would fuss… Ah! Sissies!
(I have seen Bhutanese red rice at Organic Food Stores. No, No, we are not the same dear!)
At 24/4/06 8:06 PM, Indira said...
That's interesting, I have never heard about this double boiled red rice.
Can we get it here in US, in Indian grocery shops?
At 25/4/06 7:03 AM, L G said...
Yes, Indira. If you live in a place where there is lot of Indians, the Indian stores should have it, especially South Indian kinds. Just ask for Kerala red rice.
There are two brands. 'Nirapara' and 'Lakshmi'. I get 'Lakshmi'.
At 25/4/06 9:48 PM, Indira said...
I'll certainly try this rice. Lakshmi brand... that's easy to remember. Thanks LG.
At 1/6/06 1:51 PM, RP said...
Hey LG, I was going through your archives searching for your egg puffs recipe. Happy to see this red rice. We only eat this rice, our other choice is basmati. We hate that white parboiled rice.
PS: Couldn't find egg puffs yet. Where are thou!
At 29/6/06 2:21 PM, Anonymous said...
We are orginally from mangalore and they also eat this type of rice which is very health. Of course, when we visited mangalore, we never liked it as it was too big and all (u know how fussy u r when u r small) and grandmother would force us to eat sayings its healthy, etc etc. But I guess today if I get it, I would lovingly eat that rice (of course, not everyday, but sometimes) cause I've become health conscious.
At 5/11/06 10:34 PM, the chocolate lady said...
How very pretty! I will try to get some of this next time I am in the neighborhood for Indian staples. At first I was wondering if this might be related to a red grain called ragi which I have seen in some recipes, but I think that is not a rice.
I am here vis Mahanandi.
At 6/11/06 9:16 PM, Indira said...
Hi Chocolate Lady: Ragi is a grain unrelated to red rice and it looks like tiny mustard seed in maroon color. Check out this link for an image of ragi.
At 11/11/06 7:37 PM, the chocolate lady said...
Thanks, Indira,
This is utterly fascinating. I will have to put ragi on my growing list of things to try. I am eager to get to the pink rice first, though!
Can u tell me from where did u buy the matta rice from. I stay in florida and i dont see t in the indian stores.
Where in Florida Sandhya?
In Orlando.
Hi, It's the chocolate lady again--
I finally found some of this wonderful pink rice in my area. It was delicious!
Hi Indira,
I must inform you that its not only eaten in Kerala but is a staple food of Mangaloreans . Its called oorpale aari(boiled rice in Tulu).
I am mangalore and this kind of rice is also eaten here...and ur right once u grow up eating this rice u can never shift to those white rice......
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