Dec 30, 2008

Brinjal Mezhukkupuratti

Many don’t like Brinjal due to its gooey texture after cooking. But at home, since my mom was very strict on us eating all kind of vegetables she could lay her hands on, we never got time to complain about texture. I was told by someone Brinjal didn’t have any nutrients and even plucked out some Brinjal plants. I was wrong. It has a stash of nutrients and those violet colors are good for you.

Mezhukkupuratti is malayalam for stir fry.

I cut brinjal in small rounds one inch thick. Dont cut them too thin, for they will squish too soon. You can cut them in one inch thick elongated pieces too.

For 3 cups of brinjal, dice ½ cup shallots, 1 pod of garlic, 4 green chilies.

Heat 2 tbsp of coconut oil in a skillet, splutter 1 tsp of mustard seeds, add two split red chilies, 1 sprig of curry leaves. Then add the garlic, green chilies and onion in that order.

Now add the cut brinjal and some salt and sauté them well in the oil and lower the heat to a minimum. Sweat the vegetables by covering it and then stir them occasionally.

When they are soft, take them off from heat.

Serve as an accompaniment to rice.


Anonymous said...

I love this. In the past when I was living in my home, my Amma used to make vazhuthina mezhukkupuratti every other day. She know that I love it with slightly burned edges and lots of mustard. But my brother had a strong dislike for this vegetable, may be due to its texture. One fine day my father - a smart cookie - announced Brinjal is an Aphrodisiac and not a good kind of vegetable for growing up kids. Needless to say Brinjal was out of our kitchen shortly. My amma didnt want me to grow up and become an adult so soon.. err with an Aphrodiaic over dose! My appa didnt want my amma to do favors for me alone. And poor me, didnt have a wikipedia then.

Dori said...

Looks delicious! Happy New Year!

bee said...

oh, no. brinjal. **flees**