Dec 2, 2008

Fruits are soaked!

As every season, I am late by two weeks this Christmas too. I was supposed to soak all the dried fruits two weeks ago and I just did it 5 minutes back.

I have soaked 1200 gm of Raisins and 1600 gm of mixed dried fruits. Poured 1.5 litr of some cheap brandy.

Two days of soaking and I will start my baking.

I am yet to decorate the tree, plan about the snacks, plan about the dinner. I am so busy at work and at home and then there comes Christmas with the extra load. But without all these what is life?

Advent started on December 1st. The 24 day wait for Christmas.

I used to regularly observe advent by giving up two or three favorite food stuff. These days one cannot, since it requires a lot of time and patience, one that I am losing as I age.

So if you havent soaked, soak them up!


Sig said...

Hey, you are back.... Hope you're doing good Inji! Don't eat those brandy soaked fruits while you are baking, ok?

Finla said...

Wow you are making christmas cake. Excelent.
I love home made christmas cakes.
Beautiful colours

starry said...

Is that for a christmas cake.

Varsha Vipins said...

Inji I loved your name..:)
n loved this pic too..:)

farah said...

Good to have you back in blogoshere.Happy baking !!

Anonymous said...

Hi Inji - So glad to see you are back!