Jan 23, 2007


After a long time, I am blogging again. Was itching to blog, but I had to cook something, for this is a food blog. Couldn’t put pictures of food someone else cooked (hehehe).
Anyway will be cooking again and back to blogging and sharing recipes. Hurray! (What? You didn’t feel the same hurray?) hehehe… I am just silly!

Okay, before all that…ahem…let me see whether you can guess these two. (Or in other words, while I start to cook, just to keep you entertained)

Below are pictures of two spices we use regularly. Guess them. (Note: a pretty little baking fairy is not allowed to guess!) ;-)


SK said...

inji chechi..so glad to see u back in action. Hope ur feeling much better now..

hmmm..lets see.. first one is jathika(am not sure about the firangi name) and 2nd one looks like cloves..not sure

Sarah said...

finally you are back
Jathipathri and gramboo

Mishmash ! said...

This is the first time I'm stepping into ur blog and u re there with a set of questions for me ! :)) Anyway,I will give a try.. first one is Nutmeg for sure and the second one looks like Clove, not sure though :)

When u re free dp drop by my space to have a taste of my mishmash :)


Anonymous said...

First blog after you are back and such an easy one. We need a challenge. Nutmeg and clove, right?
Really really good to see you are back.

ബിന്ദു said...

ഹായ് ജാതിക്ക. ഇപ്പൊ കിട്ടണം.:)

Unknown said...

Jathikka and cloves..i am pretty sure about the second one..

Mrs. K said...

mace+nutmeg and cloves. i am pretty sure about both. ;)

Mandira said...

Inji - so glad to see you blogging. The first one is nutmeg (i'm sure) and second is clove (not so sure!)

Anonymous said...

Mace first -- no clue on the second.

Spices take a back seat to seeing you back, inji!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm 200% sure the first one is mace and second one is clove.

Ashwini said...

Wow...inji what a comeback!!! Amidst all these sure answers I am just going to keep mum. Good to see you blogging again.

Anonymous said...

First one is mace and nutmeg
Second one is cloves.


Prema Sundar said...

The first one is nutmeg and the second is clove i guess.. am i right...

Mrs. K said...

hey inji, check this and browse some more in her blog... you will be amazed if you haven't seen it already.

Menu Today said...

Hi Inji,
Nice to see u Back.Jaipal and cloves.

Bong Mom said...

Good to see you back Inji. You are kinda famous around here and I had hardly seen you since I started blogging :) So it feels really nice

With so many gueeses going on I rather not blabber dumb ideas

archana said...

Hurray !!!! Welcome back Ingi.

Inji Pennu said...

Grrr...Not even a single wrong guess all you smart ladies? :(
Atleast to satisfy me? ;)

Thank you sk, sarah, shn,gini,
harsha,ashwini,sp, prema,MT, sandeepa and archana. Thank you all. Feels good to be back amidst you all.

Rp, Yeah I understood all that language in that link. Is that kasargod malayalam? :)

Shah cooks said...

jathika and cloves!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful jajikai or jaapatri (Telugu) looks just like you I guess. So pretty, Inji. Are you going to dry it?

I am glad to see you posting again. Blogging is not much fun without your cheery presence. and it is the truth!

ബിന്ദു said...

oh RP and Inji, i thought it was french. b'cose i know a littile bit. ;)

കല്യാണി said...

Welcome back Inji penne :-)

Bindu, you are correct, that food blog is in French. She is a french girl living in Paris who learned traditional Kerala cooking from her malayali mother-in-law and has grown to an excellent cook!