So, I thought of all complicated dishes and ended up on this very complicated dish called Injithair in South Kerala. This I have seen only served during Onam festival sadya.
Grate some ginger 1 cup, 3 green chilies, crush them together, add 1 cup of curd.
Then I remembered how long back Sarah wanted the recipe for injimuttai or ginger candy. This candy is sold especially in bus stops by small vendors, for this can alleviate the nausea and discomfort during the bus journeys. This was the only candy that passed the test of parents and you could eat them lot.
I didn’t get the recipe for injimuttai. I searched for ginger candy and ended up with lot of recipes. I am unable to remember whether the ginger candy we used to eat was made from whole ginger or ginger juice?

For 1 cup of ginger, add ½ cup of sugar and 2 cups of water and bring to a boil and then simmer until the sugary water evaporates completely. Make sure ginger pieces do not start to stick to the pan. Take off from heat, arrange the ginger pieces on a wax paper and dry them. (I used brown sugar and the candy resembled garnet)
Hi Inji -- not to wear it out but really IS so good to see you cooking and blogging again. There, I won't say it anymore ;) Everything in previous post looks great. I have some ginger sitting in yogurt in the fridge, was thinking I might try a ginger-lime lassi for Jihva. I have yet to taste it -- but I see ginger and yogurt will go together, thanks! The ginger candy looks beautiful, too :)
Inji did you say 1 cup of ginger for the Injithair? Injimuttai sure looks red and tasty.
Injithair is considered as equivalent to 101 curries. :)
Hi Inji!
The pachadi is complicated indeed:) The candies are a great idea. Did you come up with the recipe yourself? Great entries!
I liked the Injithair, and the ginger candy does look like garnet
The word ginger came from Inji it seems, is that Tamil ?
Oh boy Ginger Candy looks delicious. It looks like the Mambala( mango pulp dried under sun. I am sure a piece of this candy will do great to stomach after a heavy dinner. What say?
I didn't know we should add that much ginger to inchi thair. 1 cup?? When we have plain yogurt with rice, I sometimes add grated ginger, about a tsp to a cup of yogurt, and call it inchi thair. So the real stuff is made using a lot of ginger eh?
Hi Inji! Nice entry. But do we have to add 1 cup of inji to the thair?? i always thought an inch of ginger should do....
Inji - the ginger candy looks delicious. and injithair looks interesting too... will try soon
Ginger candy looks wonderful....thanks for your version..I've been satisfying my cravings with crystallized ginger lately...must try this.
Hi Inji,
Very healthy injithair.
Injimuttai looks fantastic.Thanks for sharing.
Injithair and Ginger Candy looks delicious..Inji kai pokayunnille..ithrayum inji tholikalanjittu....
They do look like garnet. What a lovely entry Inji !
Hi Inji
This is my first visit to your blog. Nice recipe for Inji thayir.
Grrrrrrr...where is your old blog?? I wanted to refer that kottayam style fish curry again..... Should have saved it when it was available. Yeah, we learn from experiences! Next time I see a trace of your old blog, I am saving it all to my hdd...because your blog play hide and seek! Can't trust it. :) :|
Thank GOD I found you !! Your old blog was spammed with unmentionable stuff,so I had to delete that from my blog roll.I googled injipennu today and got here!I am so happy!
Great entry of Ginger candy btw Inji!
This comment is not to inji_pennu (because she is already aware about this), but the people who are visiting here to get the tips and tricks for good recipes. There is no wonder if you may see the same preparation steps or some portion of the articles from this blog in to the corporate giant Yahoo's Malayalam blog (I am not sure whether they will do the same in other languages or not!) which is recently started. They are very much concerned and outspoken about their copyrights in their own website and showering their pseudo-respect to the intellectual property of others. They are challenging that they may, terminate the accounts of the yahoo users, who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. However, unfortunately they themselves publishing good articles from others blogs with out the permission of the authors. For example, you can see the same content on Yahoo’s recipes page
Which is taken from a famous Malayalam Bolger ‘Su’-alias ‘Saramgi’s below link??
If you can read Malayalam, then you can feel this by visiting both the pages. Also there are allegations started that they are publishing literature articles from famous other professional Malayalam blog publishers like ‘’ with out the permission of the publishers or the authors of these articles. This should be opposed, as it is clear violations of their promise of infringe the intellectual property of others and against their dignity and integrity, which they have gained all of this time. We hope as a responsible company they will look in to this serious matter and will resolve this in such a manner, which will suits to the dignity of a multinational company who is a major player in web world. Please visit and post your views on this issue at
Finally, I apologize to inji_pennu for posting the links here.
With Warm regards,
Shanavaz Ilippakulam.
PS: Copy and paste the links to your browser and delete any gaps..
don't know about onasadya, but my mom used to prepare injithayyir all the time. your recipe brought back good memories. thanks, inji.
i hated inji muttai when i was a kid travelling to malappuram by bus. i had bad motion sickness and i felt the smell of the ginger made it worse! and now i find out ginger is recommended for nausea! i remember the inji candy as pale yellow but love the color of ur garnets.
Its amazingly helpful.
You are star
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