But, hey I am back again…and it feels so good. Well, maybe you guys didn’t notice :), but I didn’t blog for ten days. Ah! What a loss to the blogging world..hehehehe.. Just kidding!
Now, dear non bloggers, if you don’t have a blog, but have a pot and a plant and a recipe; please do email me your pictures at, greenblogproject AT gmail DOT com.
Folks, hurry up! Summer is about to get over in a month. I will be posting entries on October 1st. If you have not received a reply from me, I haven’t got your entry yet. Let us all have fun and turn the blogs green on that day!
Here is my last GBP-Summer 2006 entry.

You have to string the beans.

For 3 cup diced beans,
Heat 2 tsp of oil; splutter ¼ tsp of mustard seeds, sauté two split dry red chilies, sauté 2 sprigs of curry leaves and ½ cup diced shallots or onion. To this add ¼ tsp turmeric powder and 6 green chilies split.
When the shallots turn translucent, add the diced beans, add salt and sprinkle 2 tbsp water. Cover and cook in medium to low flame.
When 3/4th cooked, crush ¼ cup fresh grated coconut with 2 garlic pods and add to this and cover the grated coconut with the beans and cook for another 6 or 7 minutes in low flame.

At 10/8/06 11:19 AM, shilpa said...
Welcome back :). Nice pice of info. I will surely grow this in case I get to stay in an apartment with a small yard. For now, I am in such a place where the apartment is completely close except for 4 windows. I cannot grow anything at all :(.
At 10/8/06 11:36 AM, indosungod said...
Hey Inji, glad to have you back, have been wondering about your whereabouts, the blogworld has been pretty serious (??!!) the last few days you were fidgeting with the poor motherboard.
The Hyacinth bean looks absolutely gorgeous, I have grown this plant for the last few years but it never got to fruiting stage, the weather gets cold and I only got a few beans, some friends have suggested growing the white (flower) variety as opposed to the purple one which tends to fruit early, will try it again next year. I prepare the thoran exactly as you do.
At 10/8/06 11:56 AM, Vineela said...
Hi LG,
i am visiting your blog regularly.I couldn't find your mail id on this blog.Glad to see with green bean post.
i love this beans .We had it in my granmom's house.
Thanks for telling the name of the bean.
Hey Coming to Milk and Milk Products
Sorry Soy and Coconut can't be used.
Only Milk - CONDENSED,whole milk,half - and - half
Cheese,butter,curd,buttermilk ,cream etc. Hope this info is enough i think.[:)))
At 10/8/06 12:32 PM, Krithika said...
"It is so easy to grow" ... does it survive drought and 105F ? If the answer is yes then I will grow:-)
Very nice info and recipe. When you get a chance could you please post pics of your yard/garden ? Thanks
At 10/8/06 12:50 PM, RP said...
We missed you Inji!
Amarapayaru look beautiful. My mom had this plant. It gives out lots of beans, right? I remember picking the beans for her. Would it grow in a container? I guess not.
At 10/8/06 12:54 PM, priya said...
Crawled thru kritika site. Wow you all guys rock in cooking, gardening....
Nice blog...
At 10/8/06 2:46 PM, Shankari said...
i love this beans and make it the same way. Curd rice and this curry is awesome. Glad u are back, was wondering what happened to you
At 10/8/06 3:10 PM, archana said...
Welcome back Ingi, we missed you so...
My mother grows this payar regularly every year. Nice entry for GBP. My tomatoes are slowly turning red, might take one more week atleast, but i have entry # 1 all ready to go.
At 10/8/06 3:42 PM, Shaheen said...
inji spice,
my husband is thankful for getting rid of the avalos guy from my mind.:)Good to see u up and raring to go.
At 10/8/06 4:34 PM, Nabeela said...
i'm glad you're back. the beans look so fresh!
I'm still unable to decide what to do with my herbs for GBP. There's nothing that can be made with herbs as the main ingredient:(
At 10/8/06 10:19 PM, Menu Today said...
Hi LG,
Welcome back.Nice "Avaraikkai" Subzi.Thanx
At 11/8/06 1:26 AM, renuramanath said...
i was wondering what went wrong with you !
edi injippenne, you make me feel so jealous, with your amarappayar cultivation and all ! you, living in america, and me, living in kerala with not a drop of soil around ! wait, wait, every renu will have her day !!!
my parents used to grow an amarappanthal in the narrow backyard of our house at irinjalakuda. amara used to get some kind of a pest, a worm of something, and that was a big event. getting rid of it and all...
At 11/8/06 7:57 AM, Inji Pennu said...
Shilpa, thanks. I really hope you get a piece of yard in your next apartment. We used to select apartments that had patios and good sunlight.That was also our criteria.
indosungod,I think you should start early inside.It likes good sun.So if you start in March inside and then move it around April or May outside,you would get good yeild in two months. Yes, white flower is a good yielder in my yard too.
vineela, What do you call this in Telugu? Thanks.
kirthika, Yes, I think. It needs lot of sunshine. A very summer vegetable. Try it and see.
RPkuutttiii, missed you too. Yes, of course,it will grow in a contianer. Get a big one and plant 3 or 4 in one.
priya, thanks :)
shankari, thank you so much :)
archanakutttii,ah! i cant wait to see your first entry.
shaheen,hehehehe.. :)
nabeela, yes yes you can.do make some chutney or sauce.
menutoday, yes thankyou!
renuchechi,hehehe. dont you have a patio? Then cant you grow a veppilla and a thulasi? or wont your flat people let you grow something in the terrace?
At 12/8/06 7:19 AM, renuramanath said...
yes, i'm growing, what you know ? lots and lots of 'mashithandu !' in some places, it is called 'vellathandu.' it looks so beautiful in the small pots. i tried thulasi a couple of times, but it just refused to grow. i have some garden plants. but i like to grow them wild.
but wait, we are building a spacious place back home at irinjalakuda. in a plot that has two ponds, one canal 'thodu,' and clusters of yellow, chinese bamboo. a studio-cum-residence sort of space, for rajan and our artist friends !
At 13/8/06 10:48 PM, Linda said...
Inji, I am sure you were missed very much! Your hyacinth beans are lovely, both on the vine and in the pan :)
At 14/8/06 8:28 AM, mandira said...
Hi Inji, just came across your blog through Indira's. Beautiful pictures and great posts! Keep up the good work.
I would love to participate in your Green Blog project. My tomatoes are ripening and so are the chillies... :-) soon...
At 1/11/06 9:57 PM, Anonymous said...
Hi, I am Seema. Though I am a Bengali, I tried and loved your recipe. I am getting a lot of Hyacinth beans in my garden. I pass them on to all my friends along with your recipe.
Your photos are very good.
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