May 20, 2008

Mashed Bittergourd and Potatoes

Don’t like bittergourd? Add them to potatoes. Yes, bittergourd and potato is a spectacular combination. Like one big happy family they cling on to each other sharing the sweetness and the bitterness. This is one great way to make all those bitterphobic kids and grownups to have a little iron in their food and to welcome bitter gourd, the nutrient rich gourd into your dinner plate.

Bitter grourd. Deseed and remove all the inner pulp. Cut into one inch pieces – 2 cups

Potatoes peeled and cut into one inch pieces – 2 cups

Boil them together with 2 cups of water, 1 tsp of chili powder, a little salt and ½ tsp of turmeric. When cooked mash the lightly.

Now heat 2 tsp oil, splutter mustard seeds, 1 sprig of curry leaves.
Sauté 1 crushed garlic pod with 1 cup of diced onion and 1/2 cup of diced tomato. Saute well.

Add the mashed potato bittergourd mixture and sauté for 5 minutes.

Serve with rice or roti.

Psst...If anyone asks why the potato has a slight bitter taste, you can exaplin to them that those potatoes are from the mountains of MachuPichu and the soil there turns them a little mineraly richly bitter and that they are having a taste of real MachuPichu…. Oh What all one has to do to get some iron in their food.


Anonymous said...

And the kids will hate mashed potatoes forever? I need guarantee! Mashed potato is a favorite here.. :)

bee said...

why do you take the seeds out? i love the seeds, esp. in stir fries.

Inji Pennu said...

bee, to some people those seeds are very allergic.

Trupti said...

wow nice recipe with bittergourd & potato..thanks for sharing this recipe

Unknown said...

That's the best way make my family eat bittergourd...will try soon.But i don't think Machupichu reason won't fly with my family though :)

Sujatha said...

An interesting recipe! I've never heard of this combination. Will try soon. Looks yummmmy!

Kalai said...

Awesome idea, Inji! Just might have to try this on my husband as I don't need any convincing to eat bittergourd! :)