Dec 25, 2007

Why I celebrate Christmas!

Christmas is almost over and this post is late, very late at least by two days. But that is okay since I was celebrating the season with full glee. Baking cakes sending them to friends, arranging parties, thinking about finger food, decorating the house, going around houses for Christmas carols, Christmas shopping and what not.

This is exactly why I celebrate. I love festivities and their tradition and I like to celebrate every occasion. Celebrating Christmas is all about sharing. So as Eid or Onam or Diwali. It is sharingthe human spirit. A normal life is mundane. We need some color and we need it often. We need some joy and laughter. We need togetherness. It is not about having turkey or ham or Christmas food. It is about coming together to celebrate with others. It just shows we exist in this World as humans, the peaceful kind, the sharing kind, the smiling kind, the hugging kind.

The best part about all celebrations is being a woman. We make sure we keep the flame of tradition and pass it along. We are there teaching the World to share and to be kind. If it were left only to men, there would have been only one celebration -- the keg parties. I would even stretch it to say, these traditions is celebrating motherhood or womanhood over and over again.

“He was alive for last Christmas”
“It was three days before last Christmas we thought of moving back home”
“That was the best Christmas. I was with him and we held hands.”

Don’t we timeline our sad and happy memories with festivities? They surely keep us going. So Celebrate and create new traditions and LIVE!

Now on to a good Christmas spirit story.

I was completely busy at my work for the past two months sleeping only few hours. I always wanted to go for the cake decoration classes as our dear Archana at spicyana was constantly inspiring and urging all of us with her fabulous creations. Only because of her I knew that it is not fairies that decorate with icing, but it is the little elves like me and you. Due to my wonderful procrastination, It took me almost one year to finally signup for a class. And when I was the busiest of all at work and home, I went and joined. :-)

Though I always reached a ten minute late for each class, carried the cake open through the store running for the class, had icing all over my face, I loved every second of it. This is the best thing I have done in years. Love you my dear Archana for this. It is only because of her. It is because of blogs and it is because of her kind sharing.
Here it is. I made my first decorated cake. Ummmaaah!

Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year 2008 to all you, my lovely blogmates!


Anonymous said...

Ummmmm looks beautiful.

This year was my best christmas too :-)

Shella said...

If that's your first one, you really desreve an applaud. It looks gorgeous!! Merry Christmas

FH said...

That's exactly why we celebrate X-Mas too. Cake looks yummy. Happy new year Inji!:))

TBC said...

I like your new look.
The cake looks simply beautiful.
Best wishes for a joyous 2008!

Sig said...

So, you went Christmas carolling, huh? :) That must've been fun... Cake looks gorgeous... I don't have an artistic bone in my body...sigh...
Wish you a wonderful 2008 Inji...

Anonymous said...

wow! that's a beautifully decorated cake. I wanna try the decorating class too but just like sig said,I too don't have an artistic bone in me. BTW, for the class, don't they provide the cake, icing stuff etc too? How long is the class and for how many days? Those beautiful flowers are tempting me to try :))


archana said...

Oh Ingi, thank you for my Christmas present. What a lovely cake, can't wait to see more. Love you.

Shah cooks said...

no kidding, the first one? wow. that looks good inji!!!
enjoy the hols and happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Cake looks fab! And great new look to the blog. Have a great New Year.

Anonymous said...

Your cake is beautiful, Inji!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Happy New Year :)

Unknown said...

hi inji,ur first creation is amazing! i am also thinking to attend this long was ur course?
Happy new year!

SK said...

thts ur first try !!! woooooowww... looks gorgeous...

happy new year to you too...wat a way to start the year :D

Mandira said...

Inji - love the new look and the cake is yummylicious. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Rajesh &Shankari said...

ok here I am..inji