Injimanga pickle. Peel,scrape and add some chilies and some lemon juice. Make it like cut mango pickle with little bit more vinegar. My friend has planted it and soon after she can give me some, I will get my own garden grown injimanga.
To techie types, injimanga is something like PDA/cell phone combination or a tablet PC kind of,the thing is it tastes good and is healthy unlike those! You can say tata to mangoes in a cut mango pickle.
InjiManga/MangaInji is called Aam Haldi in Hindi which translates to mango turmeric? Google tells me it is in the family of turmeric. I don't know whether this is a manmade hybrid some botanist thought of. Need to ask some good agri. fellow next time I go back home.
http://www.nandyala.org/mahanandi/INDIRA - This is for you. I don't think I have ever got this much mesmerized by a blogger. I visit it every single day. Every single dish she posts makes me want to make it immediately. Even though, she is a total veggie, I can’t blv I crave for her veggie dishes.I think we have too many similarities. Before, I write about similarities, let me write about the dissimilarities.
She learnt cooking at home from her mom. She has good excellent basics.I learnt cooking from cookbooks. I have no basics. My mom is not a good cook either and she wouldn’t let us work in the kitchen at all. So my basics are so poor, I have to refer cook books for anything and everything. My point is Indira is an excellent cook, whereas I am a poor cook.
She likes cats. I like dogs. I think cats are too proud.
Indira is crazy about organic stuff. I am too. I buy organic milk, eggs, meat etc.
She is crazy about traditional cooking. I am too. I always go in search for only authentic cooking. Therefore, she likes Italian cooking. I too like since I too find Italian dishes are authentic. (I don’t like recipes which doesn’t ooze love...)
She is crazy about traditional Indian cookware. I am too, I get clay cook pots, much to ire of my husband, to all kind of Indian stuff when I visit home.
Her in-laws cook better. My m-i-l is an excellent exceptional cook; I try to learn stuff from her the few days I get time with her. I am very embarrassed actually, since she is too good a cook. The way I cut vegetables itself she understood I don’t know how to boil water ;). But she is nice and sweet, she just lets me watch.
She is an avid food TV watcher. I am too.
She never uses food colouring, or any artificial stuff to make her recipes look good. I hate people who do that. Its like plastic flowers. I hate them both.
She doesn’t like canned food, store bought frozen stuff. She makes and tries to do everything from scratch. I am too. I wouldn’t give canned food even to my dog.
She likes ONLY healthy cooking. I am fan of it. I dont blv in making doctors richer! ;-)
She likes politics and is quite emotional and sensitive about it, maybe all that heat from the chillies. I am too.
The way I am going to post the recipes, with pictures is all inspired by Indira's blog. All credits to her.
Today: Read a lot about IIPM controversy, an IIM guy quitting his precious job for principle like blogs are not naive techie stuff anymore even back home.Aside: Cant blv the spellchecker with blogspot couldn’t figure out the word blog...hehehe.
At 31/3/06 2:58 PM, Indira said...
L.G, are you my sister? :)
You know me well and I don't think I or my blog, deserve such attention.:)
Found you through Technorati link.
At 18/4/06 3:02 PM, L G said...
Hi indira,
Maybe we were in our previous janmams. :-) Anyway I was so lazy to write and start a blog, but you inspired me a lot.Thank you!
At 20/5/06 1:35 AM, archanat said...
Did u try ManjaIngi chammanthi, it is superb. My mother used to make it loong back when i was a teeny weeny kid. I don't remember tasting it atleast in the past 10 years though., even when i was at home.
( Signing out, flapping wings....
At 2/11/06 1:09 PM, Foodie's Hope said...
WOW!! You do like Indira more than anybody else:D:D
Good to know!;)
At 15/11/06 11:15 PM, Indira said...
Inji Pennu, Please come back! I miss you so much it hurts terribly. Not a day goes by where you're not in my thoughts.
Believe it or not, you were my solace during my difficult times. I want to thank you for that!
Hi Inji Pennu,
Came across your blogg when as I was searching for some mangainji recipes. Could not find that on your blog..but have a loadful of other recipes.
Do send me any nice mangaiji recipe if you have.
Thanx Vimala
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